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  Home >Energy Users >Energy Efficiency Page >Manufacturing Trend Data > Table 2a

Table 2b.  Fuel Consumption (Primary Energy) for Selected Industries, 1985-1998
(Trillion Btu)
SIC Group 1985 1988 1991 1994 1998
20 Food and Kindred Products 1,303 1,382 1,314 1,586 1,573
21 Tobacco Products 28 31 30 W 36
22 Textile Mill Products 453 503 488 536 552
23 Apparel and Other Textile Products 63 106 85 109 80
24 Lumber and Wood Products 448 531 553 573 758
25 Furniture and Fixtures 81 106 103 110 130
26 Paper and Allied Products 2,606 2,775 2,901 3,088 3,256
27 Printing and Publishing 166 246 221 232 359
28 Chemicals and Allied Products 3,402 3,803 3,979 43,32 4,846
29 Petroleum and Coal Products 2,858 3,362 3,211 3,509 3,868
30 Rubber and Misc. Plastics Products 416 494 484 589 672
31 Leather and Leather Products 22 27 18 W 15
32 Stone Clay and Glass Products 1,163 1,260 1,118 1,195 1,234
33 Primary Metal Industries 3,518 3,772 3,356 3,572 3,678
34 Fabricated Metal Products 512 583 523 599 736
35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment 471 534 450 467 539
36 Electronic and Other Electric Equipment 447 462 414 460 549
37 Transportation Equipment 580 636 585 627 752
38 Instruments and Related Products 140 223 188 200 222
39 Misc. Manufacturing Industries 57 72 57 90 88


18,734 20,910 20,083 21,917 23,935


Note: W=Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual establishments.
Sources:  Energy Information Administration (EIA), Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS).

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For specific questions about  "Manufacturing Sector Energy Trend Data", please contact:

Stephanie J. Battles

Phone: 202-586-7237
Fax:  202-586-0018

Release Date:  August 07, 2003 

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URL:   http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/efficiency/mecs_trend.htm/table_2b_trend.htm