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Bush calls Hamas rocket attacks an 'act of terror'

The president says no peace deal is acceptable without monitoring to halt the flow of smuggled weapons to terrorist groups. Full story

China milk scare in U.S.: Adopted kids tested
3 Ebola deaths in Congo confirmed

Democrats debate how to end stem cell ban

Image: Human embryonic stem cells
AFP - Getty Images

NYT: Thwarted by President Bush, Democrats consider overturning restrictions by executive order or legislation.  Story

  Blagojevich's security clearance revoked
Technology & science
Cosmic Log: Five years for Mars rovers

NASA's Mars rovers are still kicking on the Red Planet's surface, wildly exceeding all expectations.

Living a lonely American dream

  Video: Florida residents who bought new dream homes are now stuck in deserted communities.

Big CEO firings of '08
Chrysler: $4 billion bridge loan is received
Slide shows
Britons Celebrate The New Year
Getty Images
Image: A dog looks out of an animal shelter in St. Petersburg, Russia.
AFP - Getty Images
Anti-Israel protest in Srinagar
Image: Heather Graham
AP File
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    As nest eggs shrink, many defer retirement

    For newly retired and nearly retired, market meltdown forces tough choices. Full story


    How to get a quiet hotel room

    Gone are the days of doors slamming, crying kids and after-hour parties. Full story

    Technology & science

    2009: The cell phone dominates

    Prepaid plans could increase, as could landline substitution. Full story