Table 19. Merger/Acquisition Activity Between Electric Utility and Natural Gas Industries in 1997 and 1998a
Companies New Entity FERC Approval
Enron Corp and Portland General Corp Enron Corporation 1997
Duke Power and Panergy Duke Energy 1997
Houston Industries and Noram Energy Houston Industries 1997
Brooklyn Union Gas (Keyspan) and Long Island Lighting Co. MarketSpan 1998
Louisville Gas and Electric Energy (LG&E) and Kentucky Utilities (KU) LG&E 1998
Pacific Enterprises and Enova Sempra Energy 1998
Pacific Gas & Electric and Valero Energy Pacific Gas & Electric 1998
TECO Energy and West Florida Gas TECO Energy 1997
Texas Utilities and Enserch Corporationb TUC Holding Company 1997
Southern Energy and Vastar Company Southern Company Energy Marketing L.P. 1997
aThe merger/acquisition table includes transactions before August 1998. Sources: Electric Light and Power, "Industry Report; Mergers Thin Ranks of IOU: Thin Ranks of IOU: Only 99 Left" (August 1998), p. 21; Inside F.E.R.C., "Merger Policy Broke FERC Logjam, But Overall Process Remains Arduous", October 1997, p. 1.; and MLR Publishing Company, Mergers and Acquistions, "Engineering Exotic Blend in Utility Mergers," September 1997/October 1997, p. 47.
bSouthern Energy and Vastar Company formed an alliance merger which combined certain natural gas and power trading and marketing operations. Source: Vastar Resources Inc, Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10Q, (November 5, 1997).

Last Updated on 1/6/99