Retail Unbundling - Vermont

Status: The state has no unbundled services for residential customers but is considering action.

Overview: The Public Service Board is considering the issue but has not yet opened a formal case. Unbundled service for large-volume customers using interruptible transportation became effective on December 1, 1998. Most of the larger customers in Vermont use interruptible service. The unbundling of firm service will be considered along with general retail unbundling when such a case is initiated.

EIA State Data: In 2002, Vermont had 30,108 residential and 4,516 commercial customers. They consumed 3 and 2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, respectively. The average prices paid for natural gas purchased from local distribution companies by residential and commercial customers were $10.39 and $8.20 per thousand cubic feet, respectively.


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File last modified: 01/31/2004