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Florida Public Service Commission
Electronic Filing Requirements

The Commission accepts documents for filing by electronic transmission ("electronic filing" or "e-filing") provided the following requirements are met. Documents that fail to meet these requirements will not be accepted for electronic filing.

Manner of Electronic Transmission

  • Filings submitted by electronic transmission must be attached to an e-mail sent to filings at p s c dot state dot F L dot U S. Documents sent to any other Commission e-mail address will not be considered filed.
  • The attachment containing the document to be filed must be in one of the following formats:
    1. Adobe .PDF
    2. Native word processing format (e.g., Word or WordPerfect) with numbered paragraphs. Use the document extension .doc for documents filed in Word format and .wpd for those in WordPerfect format.
  • Documents shall be signed by typing "s/" followed by the signatory:
    s/ First M. Last
  • When an e-mail enters the filings at p s c dot state dot F L dot U S mailbox, an acknowledgment e-mail will be generated automatically and sent to the address from which the filing originated. If the filer does not receive an acknowledgment, it is the filer's responsibility to contact the Office of Commission Clerk.
  • The acknowledgment indicates the document has been received, but does not confirm the document meets the requirements for electronic filing.
  • The Commission does not accept filings submitted by facsimile ("fax") transmission.

Documents Eligible for Electronic Filing

  • All documents permitted or required to be filed with the Commission shall be eligible for electronic filing, except those documents listed under “Documents Not Eligible.”
  • All documents filed electronically must be capable of being printed as paper documents without loss of content or appearance. Documents must be prepared using a clearly readable font which, when printed, will fit on an 8.5 by 11-inch page.

Documents Not Eligible for Electronic Filing

  • Minimum filing requirements (MFRs)
  • Prefiled testimony
  • Tariffs1
  • Documents containing confidential information
  • Documents that must be accompanied by a filing fee or other payment
  • Documents over 100 pages
  • Documents over 8.5 by 11 inches in size
  • Any other documents identified in the Order Establishing Procedure for a particular docket as being ineligible for filing electronically in that docket
  • Corrupt documents
  • Documents containing a virus or attached to an e-mail containing a virus

Special Conditions

  • The party submitting a document for filing by electronic transmission acknowledges and agrees:
    1. That the original physically signed document will be retained by that party for the duration of the proceeding and of any subsequent appeal or subsequent proceeding in that cause, and that the party shall produce it upon request of the other parties or the Commission.
    2. That the party submitting the filing shall be responsible for any delay, disruption, or interruption of the electronic signals and accepts the full risk that the document may not be properly filed with the Division as a result.
    3. That the filing date for an electronically transmitted document shall be the date the Division receives the complete document. If the document is received on a non-business day, or after 5:00 p.m. on a business day, it will be considered filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the following business day.
    4. That the Commission does not have the authority to grant an extension of time for certain jurisdictional filings, including motions for reconsideration and notices of appeal.
    5. That the official copy of an electronically filed document is the copy printed by the Division upon receipt, document-stamped, and filed in the docket.
    6. That all electronically filed documents are public records and will be published on the Commission's local area network and its Internet website. Confidentiality is waived for any information in documents submitted for e-filing.

E-Mail Transmitting an Electronically Filed Document

  • The e-mail message transmitting the document(s) to be filed is not itself considered a filing. Therefore, documents contained within the text of an e-mail transmission will not be considered filed.
  • Multiple documents may be attached to the same e-mail transmittal. However, any cover letter or certificate of service must be included in the electronic document to which it relates, and shall not be submitted as a separate attachment to the e-mail.
  • The e-mail message to which the document is attached shall include the following information, in the order listed:
    1. The full name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person responsible for the electronic filing,
    2. The docket number and title if filed in an existing docket,
    3. The name of the party on whose behalf the document is filed,
    4. The total number of pages in each attached document., and
    5. A brief but complete description of each attached document.


  • If a document is filed electronically, no paper copies are required to be filed.
  • The party filing a document remains responsible for serving the document in accordance with applicable rules and orders, including service on the appropriate Commission attorney.
  • If a document is electronically filed in PDF format, the party submitting the filing remains responsible for compliance with any applicable provisions of Rule 25-22.028(1), F.A.C., relating to submission of the document on diskette in word processing or spreadsheet format.

1While the Division does not accept tariffs filed electronically, the Division of Regulatory Compliance is considering acceptance of telecommunications tariffs and price lists electronically. Separate procedures for e-filing tariffs can be found on the Commission's Website.

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Florida Public Service Commission
2540 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850