Report Contents

Executive Summary


What Happened to Heating Fuel Prices in the Winter of 1999-2000?

Consumer Markets: History, Patterns, and Outlook

Natural Gas Supply, Infrastructure, and Pricing

Distillate Fuel Oil Supply, Infrastructure, and Pricing



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Available Formats

Entire Report as Printed PDF - 746KB)
Executive Summary (PDF - 694KB), HTML
1. Introduction (PDF - 18KB), HTML
2. What Happened to Heating Fuel Prices in the Winter of 1999-2000? (PDF - 144KB), HTML
3. Consumer Markets: History, Patterns, and Outlook (PDF - 130KB), HTML
4. Natural Gas Supply, Infrastructure, and Pricing (PDF - 153KB), HTML
5. Distillate Fuel Oil Supply, Infrastructure, and Pricing (PDF - 125KB), HTML


Appendix A - Request for Analysis (PDF - 67KB)
Appendix B - Historical Data on Fuel Consumption and Prices for the Residential Sector in the Northeast Region (PDF - 19KB), HTML
Appendix C -  Historical Distillate Price Spikes: December 1989-January 1990, January-February 1994, and January-February 2000 (PDF - 36KB), HTML
Appendix D - Electricity Generation and Fuel Consumption Data, 1980-1999 (PDF - 27KB), HTML


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File last modified: May 24, 1999


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