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PUC-Idaho Public Utilities Commission

Last Updated: April 2007

01/99:  The Legislative Council Committee on Electric Utilities Restructuring issued its final report. The report recommended a slow approach to retail competition. Idaho was a low cost state for electricity and concerned about prices rising under a competitive market. The legislature reestablished the study committee.

12/98:  The legislative committee concluded that deregulation would boost electric prices in the State, and recommended against restructuring.

02/98:  PUC approved Washington Water Power Company’s pilot program for approximately 6,000 consumers. The pilot would offer customers a portfolio consisting of four rate options: Traditional Energy Service, Monthly Market Rate, Annual Market Rate, and Standard Offer Service.

01/98:  The PUC issued the Electric Costs Report to the Governor and Legislature. The report contained the findings on the unbundled average costs for utilities in Idaho compared to national averages.

09/97:  The PUC hosted technical workshops to discuss public purpose program costs as part of unbundling.

07/97:  The PUC began proceedings on electric restructuring.

05/97:  The Governor signed an executive order creating the Governor's Council on Hydroelectric and River Resources that would establish guidelines for electric industry restructuring in Idaho.

04/97:  Idaho Power’s pilot program for 900 customers would begin 7/97 and go through 6/99.

03/97:  House Bill 399 was enacted, directing the PUC to establish a committee to obtain information on the costs of supplying electricity to consumers. Utilities were required to unbundle costs of electric service and report to the PUC.