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Natural Gas Analyses Analysis Reports and Papers related to natural gas (most current first)

Short-Term Energy Outlook See Natural Gas Section
Forecast Analysis - US quarterly projections of natural gas to 2009
pages: 58, released: November 12, 2008, periodicity: Monthly, contact: Tancred Lidderdale (202)586-7321

Short-Term Energy Supplement: U.S. LNG Imports - The Next Wave (printer-friendly version)
pages: 10, released: January 2007

Annual Energy Outlook - Natural Gas Section, Issues in Focus, Forecasts Comparison Section
Forecast Analysis - US annual projections of natural gas to 2030 by US region.
      Annual Energy Outlook Supporting Reports-            
            Assumptions for Oil and Gas Supply Module , Assumptions for Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module
            NEMS:  An Overview 2003 (Oil and Gas Market Module) (also available in printer-friendly version)
            National Energy Modeling System: Model Documentation Oil and Gas Supply Module , Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module
pages: 224, AEO released: June 2008 (supporting reports released thereafter), periodicity: Yearly, contact: Ted McCallister (202)586-4820

International Energy Outlook - Natural Gas Section
Forecast Analysis - International projections of natural gas to 2030 by region.
pages: 14, released: June 2008, periodicity: Yearly, contact: Justine Barden (202)586-3508

Analysis of Crude Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a December 6, 2007, request from Senator Ted Stevens that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) provide an assessment of Federal oil and natural gas leasing in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska.
Excel Spreadsheets:
   Mean ANWR Resource
   High ANWR Resource
   Low ANWR Resource
pages: 23, released: May 2008, periodicity: One-time, contact: Philip Budzik (202)586-2847

Oil and Natural Gas Market Supply and Renewable Portfolio Standard Impacts of Selected Provisions of H.R. 3221 - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Requestors: Senators Barton, McCrery, and Young
This paper responds to an October 31, 2007, request from Representatives Barton, McCrery, and Young requesting the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to assess selected provisions of H.R. 3221, the energy bill adopted by the House of Representatives in early August 2007. The analysis focuses on Title VII, dealing with energy on Federal lands; Section 9611, which would establish a Federal renewable portfolio standard (RPS) for certain electricity sellers; and Section 13001, which would eliminate the eligibility of oil and natural gas producers and refiners to claim deductions under Section 199 of the Internal Revenue Code.
pages: 11, released: December 2007, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

United States Producing and Nonproducing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserves From 1985 Through 2004 - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Forecast Analysis - This report discusses the regional and temporal trends in producing and nonproducing crude oil and natural gas reserves using EIA’s categorization of reserves. The report first focuses on EIA’s collection and reporting of crude oil and natural gas reserves data, followed by a discussion of the natural gas reserve trends, and then the crude oil reserve trends.
pages: 12, released: July 2006, periodicity: One-time, contact: Philip Budzik (202)586-2847

Analysis of Oil and Gas Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request from Congressman Richard Pombo received on February 23, 2004 to analyze the impact on future oil imports and expenditures of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to petroleum development. High, low, and mean ANWR oil resource cases are compared to the Annual Energy Outlook 2004 reference case
pages: 20, released: March 2004, periodicity: One-time, contact: Philip Budzik (202)586-2847

Analysis of Restricted Natural Gas Supply Cases - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request from Senator Barbara Cubin received on February 3, 2004 to provide an assessment of three low natural gas supply scenarios. To address this request, the Energy Information Administration modeled four cases: no increased availability of Alaska natural gas, no significant increase in nonconventional gas production, a limited number of new LNG facilities, and a case that combined the above three items
pages: 61, released: March 2004, periodicity: One-time, contact: Ted McCallister (202)586-4820

The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status and Outlook - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forcast Analysis - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is expected to play an increasingly important role in the natural gas industry and in global energy markets in the next several years. This paper characterizes the global LNG market and examines recent trends and future prospects
pages: 82, released: December 2003, periodicity: One-time, contact: James Kendell (202)586-9646

Gasoline Type Proliferation and Price Volatility - (also available in printer-friendly version
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator Jeff Bingaman on June 17, 2002 to analyze the potential effect of implementation of a national menu of fuels to address the proliferation of boutique fuels as included in the Senate-passed version of H.R. 4
pages: 21, released: October 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact: Joanne Shore (202)586-4677

Reformulated Gasoline Use Under the 8-Hour Ozone Rule - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator Jeff Bingaman on June 17, 2002 to analyze the impact on gasoline price and supply of the establishment of additional ozone non-attainment areas under the new 8-hour ozone standard included in the Senate-passed version of H.R.4
pages: 23, released: September 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact: James Kendell (202)586-9646

U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Relationship Between Henry Hub Spot Prices and U.S. Wellhead Prices - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This paper examines the relationship between Henry Hub spot prices for natural gas and the U.S. wellhead price for the period from August 1996 through December 2000. It discusses the extent to which the two price series are linearly correlated and evaluates the statistical properties of two simple price relationships—the actual difference and the percent difference. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a strong linear relationship between the two price series
pages: 5, released: July 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact: Philip Budzik (202)586-28477

The Effects of Alaska Oil and Natural Gas Provisions of H.R. 4 and S 1766 on U.S. Energy Markets - (also available in printer-friendly version
Forecast Analysis - These reports respond to a request received from Senator Frank Murkowski on December 20, 2001 to analyze the impact of the Alaskan oil and natural gas provisions of H.R. 4 and S. 1766. The estimated effects of the provision in H.R. 4 proposing crude oil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the provision in S. 1766 concerning the construction of a pipeline bringing Alaskan natural gas to the Lower 48 States are presented
pages: 21, released: March 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact: Joanne Shore (202)586-4677

U.S.Natural Gas Markets: Recent Trends and Prospects for the Future - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Secretary of Energy, Spencer Abraham on April 25, 2001 to analyze recent trends and prospects for the future of the U.S. natural gas market. Natural gas prices rose dramatically in 2000 and remained high through the first part of 2001, raising concerns about the future of natural gas prices and the potential for natural gas to fuel U.S. economic growth
pages: 49, released: May 2001, periodicity: One-time, contact: Andy Kydes (202)586-2222

U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Mid-term Prospects for Natural Gas Supply - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Secretary of Energy, Spencer Abraham on April 25, 2001 to analyze the recent behavior in natural gas markets with respect to natural gas prices, their potential future behavior, the potential future supply contribution of liquefied natural gas and increased access to Federally restricted resources, and the need for improved natural gas data
pages: 21, released: August 2000, periodicity: One-time, contact: Ted McCallister (202)586-4820

Impacts of Unconventional Gas Technology in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - U.S. natural gas demand is projected to exceed 30 trillion cubic feet per year within two decades. To meet this demand producers will increasingly rely on production from unconventional gas such as tight sands, coalbed methane, and gas shales. Because of the technical difficulties inherent with developing such resources, technology will necessarily play a vital role in their future
pages: 21, released: August 2000, periodicity: One-time, contact: Ted McCallister (202)586-4820

Issues in Midterm Analysis and Forecasting 1999 - Employment Trends in Oil and Gas Extraction
Forecast Analysis - This report includes a series of eight papers which cover topics in analysis and modeling that underlie the Annual Energy Outlook 1999, as well as other significant issues in midterm energy markets
Released: September 1999, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: James Kendell (202) 586-9646

Issues in Midterm Analysis and Forecasting 1998 - Measures of Oil Import Dependence
Forecast Analysis - This report includes a series of nine papers which cover topics in analysis and modeling that underlie the Annual Energy Outlook 1998, as well as other significant issues in midterm energy markets
Released: July 1998, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: James Kendell (202) 586-9646

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