


Automobile Manufacturers - Resources & Links

Software Tools

DOE BestPractices Software Tools
DOE BestPractices offers a range of software tools and databases that help manufacturers assess their plant's steam, compressed air, motor, and process heating systems.

DOE Plant Energy Profiler
Industry experience has shown that many plant utility personnel do not have an adequate understanding of their energy cost structure and where the major focus should be for any energy savings program. This tool will address this need and enable an engineer assigned to a plant utility to better understand (a) the cost of all energy sources supplied to the plant, (b) how much energy each individual utility service or energy-consuming equipment consumes, and, (c) where opportunities to realize savings exist. The tool will provide increasingly more detailed estimates of these factors as the user refines the input; but it is important that the user get some useful information with a minimum of preparation. Additionally, the tool will contain a set of references and resources that the user would need to guide any energy savings implementation program that might result from using the tool.

ENERGY STAR Automobile Assembly Plant Energy Performance Indicator (EPI)
A critical step in energy management is the practice of benchmarking and comparing plant energy performance. Rating the energy efficiency of a plant starts the process for cutting energy usage and empowers companies to set realistic energy reduction goals. EPA and automobile manufacturers worked together to develop a benchmarking tool for evaluating the national energy performance of an automobile assembly plant operating in the United States. The ENERGY STAR auto assembly plant energy performance indicator (EPI) scores the energy efficiency of a single auto assembly plant in the U.S. and compares it to the performance of the industry's average and efficient plants (defined as the 75th percentile). The EPI uses basic inputs unique to an individual plant and provides a percentile ranking of the plant's energy efficiency. The tool is available for easy download and use.

Automobile assembly plants rated as efficient are eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR, the national symbol of energy efficiency in manufacturing plants. These plants receive the honor of displaying the ENERGY STAR banner or flag for the year of award.

Page Last Modified:   August 7, 2008