


Aluminum - Technology Pathways

U.S. aluminum producers recognize that reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency offers a competitive edge in world markets. In 1996, the U.S. industry entered into partnership with DOE's Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) to work toward shared goals. Since then, the Aluminum Industry of the Future partnership has been feeding the technology pipeline so that U.S. producers will have the technologies they need to achieve their long-term economic, energy and environmental goals.

The Industries of the Future process helps entire industries articulate their long-term goals and publish them in a unified vision for the future. To achieve that vision, industry leaders jointly define detailed R&D agendas known as roadmaps. ITP relies on roadmap-defined priorities to target cost-shared solicitations and guide development of a balanced R&D portfolio that yields useful results in the near, mid, and long term.

Industry Vision & Roadmaps

The following documents are available for download as Adobe PDF documents.
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Aluminum Industry Technology Roadmap (PDF 1.1 MB)
This Roadmap describes the industry's R&D strategy, priorities, milestones, and performance targets for achieving its long-term goals. It accounts for changes in the Industry and the global Market Place since the first Roadmap was published on 1997.

Aluminum Vision (PDF 1.58 MB)
Under the leadership of The Aluminum Association, the industry reached a consensus on broad goals for the future and published them in its 2001 document Aluminum industry Vision.

Aluminum Industry Vision & Roadmaps


Page Last Modified:   August 7, 2008