Oregon Department of Justice

Welcome to the Oregon Department of Justice

Attorney General John Kroger

On January 5, 2009, I was sworn in as Oregon's sixteenth Attorney General. I am deeply honored to assume this post and promise to work as hard as I can to protect the citizens of Oregon, in and out of court.

Hardy Myers has been a great Attorney General. I cannot fill his shoes, but I can promise to follow in his footsteps. I honor his service and wish him and his family well.

As Attorney General, my goals are clear:

  • Fight crime and protect crime victims
  • Improve child welfare
  • Protect the environment
  • Fight for Oregon consumers, workers, investors, and taxpayers
  • Promote a positive business climate
  • Provide great legal services to Oregon's state government; and
  • Defend the rights of all Oregonians.

The staff of the Oregon Department of Justice is
smart, experienced, and dedicated to the public interest.
I am honored to serve with them as their colleague.

Happy New Year -

Attorney General John Kroger's signature
John R. Kroger

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