Energy Technology Data Exchange
20th Anniversary

arrow In Celebration of 20 Years!

ETDE Testimonials

Is ETDE of value to you? Yes!

International Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal on 5 July 2007

ETDE is celebrating 20 years of advancing international energy research through a highly-successful, multilateral programme of information exchange. ETDE's Implementing Agreement was formally signed by the Contracting Parties at the International Energy Agency in Paris, 26 January 1987. Twenty years later, users in member and developing countries have access to nearly 4 million citations of energy-related research and policy information worldwide, representing billions in research funding. Innovations also allow direct access to electronic full text for much of the current information. This premier collection of information is a result of the strong spirit of collaboration and hard work among ETDE member organizations and partners. ETDE welcomes additional users, members and partners to join us for the next 20 years. Highlights from the first 20 years are included in ETDE's History.

In commemoration of ETDE's 20 years, the Operating Agent is seeking comments from current/former delegates and database users regarding the value of ETDE as well as the value/usefulness of the wealth of information collected and made available through ETDEWEB, Energy on STN, the Energy Science and Technology Database (file 103) on Dialog, and other in-country systems. These 'testimonials' are featured in a special section on the ETDE website. Please contribute your comments via the ETDE feedback form.

As part of the celebration, ETDE and the National Institute of Engineering, Technology and Innovation (INETI) jointly hosted a public conference in Lisbon, Portugal, on 5 July 2007. The focus of the one-day conference was 'strategies for communicating energy RTD results'. More details can be found on the conference website for Advancing Energy Science and Technology Through Multilateral Information Exchange, and will include availability of the DVD of the conference, when ready.

Also in Lisbon, in conjunction with ETDE's 29th Executive Committee meeting, a celebratory cake-cutting ceremony was held, with ETDE Chairman Brian Hitson sharing the honors with Acting INETI President Prof. Teresa Ponce de Leão.

See ETDE in pictures.

ETDE's First ExCo Meeting
ETDE's first ExCo Meeting

ETDE's 20th Anniversary Celebration
ETDE's first ExCo Meeting

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