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EIA Home > Transportation Home Page > Table 1. Number of Private Company Fleets in the Denver Area 1995

Table 1. Number of Private Company Fleets in the Denver Area, 1995
Selected Characteristics
Total Fleets
10- 19 Vehicles
20-49 Vehicles
50 or More Vehicles

Total Number of Fleets 1840 918 715 208

SIC Codes

Ag./For./Fish. 19 7 Q Q
Mining Q Q Q Q
Construction 377 265 80 Q
Manufacturing 71 Q Q Q
Trans./Com./Utilities 370 125 196 Q
Wholesale Trade 268 198 51 Q
Retail Trade 235 47 164 Q
Fin./Ins./Re. 32 Q Q NC
Services 418 211 171 Q

Number of Denver Operating Locations

1 1347 823 428 95
2 to 5 364 71 228 66
6 to 10 32 7 Q Q
11 to 20 65 Q Q Q
Over 20 Q Q Q Q
No Answer Q NC NC Q

Percent of Vehicles Parked/Stored at Each Type of Facility Used (more than one may apply)

Company Site

1-74 301 141 116 43
75-100 1317 642 536 138
Employees' Homes

1-74 460 228 163 68
75-100 294 173 90 Q

1-74 123 66 Q Q
75-100 57 25 Q Q
No Answer 10 Q Q Q

Vehicle Type (more than one may apply)

Passenger Cars 1057 522 384 150
Small Pickup Trucks 755 376 275 104
Large Pickup Trucks 913 531 284 97
Minivans 524 229 213 82
Full-Size Vans 654 322 238 95
Sport/Utility Vehicles 880 408 347 125
Light Trucks/Step Vans 688 225 379 84
Medium Trucks 668 309 262 96
Heavy Trucks 596 209 250 136
All Buses 80 25 Q Q

Fuel Type (more than one may apply)

Gasoline Vehicles 1782 897 706 179
Diesel Vehicles 877 348 375 154
Alternative-Fuel Vehicles 88 Q Q 55

Median-Vehicle Age (gasoline and diesel vehicles)

Less than 4 Years 960 443 395 123
4 to 6 Years 466 275 126 66
More than 6 Years 375 191 171 Q
No Answer 39 9 Q Q

Typical Method Used to Purchase--75 Percent or More--of Each Conventional--Gasoline and Diesel--Fuel Used

One Typical Method Used

Company Provides One or Both Fuels--if Both are Used 146 27 85 Q
Private Sites Used for One or Both Fuels --if Both are Used 329 190 138 Q
Public Service Stations with a Fleet Credit Card for One or Both Fuels --If Both are Used 864 479 331 Q
Public Service Stations Without A Fleet Credit Card for One or Both Fuels--If Both Fuels are Used 168 112 Q Q
No Typical Method Used

Both Fuels Used--But Company Provides Only One 92 37 Q Q
Other 170 47 Q 58
No Answer 70 25 Q Q

Percent of Gasoline Purchased at Each Type of Refueling Facility Used (more than one may apply)

Company-Owned Sites

1-74 36 Q Q Q
75-100 178 45 91 Q
Private Sites with Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 21 Q Q Q
75-100 340 190 145 Q
Public Service Stations with Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 212 146 Q Q
75-100 1029 518 413 98
Public Service Stations Without Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 119 45 Q Q
75-100 196 117 51 Q
No Answer Q Q Q NC

Percent of Diesel Purchased at Each Type of Refueling Facility Used (more than one may apply)

Company-Owned Sites

1-74 71 Q Q Q
75-100 186 53 71 62
Private Sites with Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 14 Q Q Q
75-100 164 67 Q Q
Public Service Stations with Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 108 Q Q Q
75-100 432 214 186 Q
Public Service Stations Without Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 56 Q Q Q
75-100 41 16 Q Q
No Answer Q Q Q Q

Percent of Alternative Fuel Purchased at Each Type of Refueling Facility Used (more than one may apply)

Company-Owned Sites

1-74 Q NC Q Q
75-100 36 Q Q Q
Private Sites with Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 Q NC Q Q
75-100 7 NC Q Q
Public Service Stations with Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 Q Q NC Q
75-100 Q Q Q Q
Public Service Stations Without Fuel-Purchase Agreements

1-74 Q NC Q NC
75-100 Q NC Q NC
No Answer NC NC NC NC

Any Regular Day or Time that Vehicles are Refueled

No 1496 729 592 175
Yes, Regular Tme of Day

A.M. 165 87 Q Q
P.M. 90 22 52 Q
Yes, Regular Day 7 Q Q Q
No Answer Q Q Q Q

Any Limitations on Using Public Service Stations That Offer Alternative-Fuel (fleets that did not report using public service stations for either gasoline or diesel )

Yes 85 46 Q Q
No 286 67 185 Q
No Answer Q Q Q Q

Percent of Vehicles Leased

None 1169 555 515 99
1 to 19 107 Q 69 Q
20 to 39 43 Q Q Q
40 to 59 140 Q Q Q
60 to 79 19 7 Q Q
80 to 100 292 185 69 Q
No Answer Q Q Q Q

Retirement Policy For Owned Vehicles (fleets that purchase vehicles)

Age 466 209 218 38
Mileage 686 357 266 63
When No Longer Functional 266 164 69 32
Other 157 39 Q Q
No Answer 99 Q Q Q

Disposal Policy for Owned Vehicles (fleets that purchase vehicles)

Sell to Individuals 177 Q Q Q
Sell to Brokers 223 87 104 Q
Trade to Brokers 370 163 185 Q
Sell for Scrap 686 350 251 85
Other 70 Q Q Q
No Answer 147 Q Q Q

Disposal Policy for Leased Vehicles (more than one may apply/ fleets that lease vehicles)

Return to Leasing Company 348 154 128 66
Sell or Trade to Brokers 142 39 Q Q
Sell to Individuals 163 Q Q Q
Put in Own Fleet 169 60 64 Q
Sell for Scrap Q Q Q Q
No Answer 132 Q Q Q

Days of Operation per Year

1 to 73 Q Q NC NC
74 to 146 Q NC Q NC
147 to 219 62 16 Q Q
220 to 292 1160 663 427 70
293 to 366 580 204 265 111
No Answer Q Q Q NC

Percent of Travel Outside Denver Area

0 to 20 1301 743 454 104
21 to 40 175 44 83 48
41 to 60 174 34 122 Q
61 to 80 Q Q Q Q
81 to 100 145 Q Q Q
No Answer Q Q NC NC

Vehicle Miles Traveled Varies Significantly from Day to Day

Yes 839 342 433 64
No 961 556 280 125
No Answer 41 Q Q Q

Aware of Existing or Pending Legislation Requiring the Use of Alternative Fuels

Yes 616 216 300 100
No 1223 702 413 107
No Answer Q NC Q NC

Plans to Acquire or Convert to Alternative-Fuel Vehicles in 1996

Yes (more than one may apply) 92 14 Q Q
Acquire New 40 7 Q Q
Convert New 25 Q Q Q
Convert Existing 45 Q Q Q
No 1622 827 630 165
No Answer 127 76 Q Q

Table Notes
Relative Standard Errors

 List of data tables