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Meeting demand

The world is using more and more energy. Smart technology thinking is helping meet that demand by finding ways to get more from what we’ve got, to developing new and alternative energy sources to power our future. 

The world's largest integrated, export oriented oil and gas project, Russia.

In this section

What is the issue?

Getting more

Finding new and unconventional resources

Creating alternatives

Molecules illustration

A wealth of activity is taking place to harness the power of nature from sunlight to wind and from water to plant life.

Sustainable development

For us contributing to sustainable development means helping meet the world’s growing need for energy in economically, socially and environmentally responsible ways.

The energy challenge

World energy demand is expected to double by 2050 to improve living standards. Meeting that demand is a challenge facing all of us.

Technology Futures

Will it be bio, nuclear or wind that will be helping to power our lives 20-30 years from now?

Climate change

We have stepped up our appeals to government for urgent and wide-ranging policies, and our own efforts to develop the technologies needed to reduce CO2 emissions from our operations and products.

Shell energy scenarios

We have developed two scenarios describing the future of energy.