Home > Forecasts and Analysis > Energy Finance > Detailed Statistical Tables 2007 > Table C5
Table C5.  Consolidating Statement of Income for FRS Companies, U.S. and Foreign Downstream Natural Gas
                    Segments, 2007

                    (Million Dollars)
Income Statement Items U.S. Downstream Natural Gas Consolidated
Consolidated Processing Marketing/
Transmission Distribution
 Operating Revenues            
  Natural Gas Sales 135,784 24,676 130,009 -- W 42,929
  LNG Products Sales 1,069 W W -- W 2,401
  NGL Products Sales 25,561 14,793 16,142 -- 0 9,481
  Transportation Sales 4,521 181 152 4,207 W W
  Other Product Sales 69 W W W W 0
  Trading/Derivatives -64 0 -64 0 0 1,216
  Management and Processing Fees 1,131 977 121 W W W
  Other Revenues 3,505 911 2,265 329 0 197
Total Operating Revenues 171,576 41,959 149,515 4,588 766 56,799
Operating Expenses            
  General Operating Expenses 162,291 40,709 144,600 1,596 638 54,478
  Depreciation, Depletion, & Allowance  1,562 707 W 741 W 1,056
  General & Administrative 1,092 W 321 478 W 103
Total Operating Expenses 164,945 W 145,009 2,815 W 55,637
Operating Income 6,631 W 4,506 1,773 W 1,162
Other Revenue & (Expense)            
  Earnings of Unconsolidated Affiliates 833 W W W W 2,672
  Gain(Loss) on Disposition of
    Property, Plant, & Equipment
1,537 W W W W 0
Total Other Revenue & (Expense) 2,370 W 565 1,208 W 2,672
Pretax Income 9,001 W 5,071 2,981 W 3,834
Income Tax Expense 3,204 W 1,776 1,071 W 839
Discontinued Operations 0 0 0 0 0 W
Extraordinary Items and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Changes 0 0 0 0 0 W
Contribution To Net Income 5,797 W 3,295 1,910 W 2,997
  -- = Not applicable.
  W = Data withheld to avoid disclosure.
  Note:  Worldwide eliminations between segments and U.S. eliminations between segments are omitted from this table.
  Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-28 (Financial Reporting System).