Home > Forecasts and Analysis > Energy Finance > Detailed Statistical Tables 2007 > Table C2
Table C2.  Balance Sheet Items and Financial Ratios for FRS Companies and
                    All Manufacturing Companies, 2006-2007
                                                                            FRS Companies All Manufacturing
2006 2007 2006 2007
Balance Sheet  (billion 2007 dollars)
  Current Assets                                          299.6 302.8 2,072.6 2,060.7
  Noncurrent Assets                                             
    Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E)                           
      Gross                                               1,148.8 1,211.7 2,636.8 2,644.7
      Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion,
      and Amortization (DD&A)
481.9 514.6 1,419.2 1,415.7
         Net PP&E 666.9 697.0 1,217.7 1,229.0
    Investments and Advances                              87.1 103.1 NA NA
    Other Noncurrent Assets                               138.3 137.3 NA NA
      Subtotal Noncurrent Assets                          892.3 937.5 4,389.4 4,768.1
Total Assets                                              1,191.9 1,240.3 6,462.0 6,828.8
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity                           
    Current Liabilities                                   278.5 272.9 1,525.1 1,546.5
    Long-Term Debt                                        173.9 175.3 1,151.0 1,247.2
    Other Long-Term Items                                 230.4 240.9 NA NA
    Minority Interest                                     11.0 11.5 NA NA
      Subtotal Liabilities and Other Items                693.8 700.6 3,660.6 3,809.5
  Stockholders' Equity                                         
    Retained Earnings                                     425.3 510.2 1,744.9 1,857.3
    Other Equity                                          72.7 29.5 1,056.4 1,162.0
      Subtotal Stockholders' Equity                      498.1 539.7 2,801.4 3,019.3
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity               1,191.9 1,240.3 6,462.0 6,828.8
Financial Ratios    (percent)
  Net Income/Stockholders' Equity 27.1 23.1 17.4 14.5
  Net Income plus Interest/Total Invested Capital 21.9 19.0 14.8 12.8
  Dividends/Net Cash Flow from Operations 19.8 17.4 NA NA
  Long-term Debt/Stockholders' Equity 34.9 32.5 41.1 41.3
  NA = Not available.
  Sources: All Manufacturing Companies: U.S. Census Bureau, Quarterly Financial Report.  FRS companies' data - Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-28 (Financial Reporting System).