News From Sen. Sam Brownback

Brownback Comments on Resumption of U.S. Beef Trade with South Korea

Monday, June 16, 2008

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Sam Brownback called on the South Korean government to follow through on its April agreement to fully resume U.S. beef trade.

"I was pleased to meet with members of the South Korean delegation in recent weeks," said Brownback. "We've had candid discussions about the resumption of U.S. beef trade and the political situation in South Korea. Despite the unrest in South Korea, we must not renegotiate the deal reached in April. We should work toward a resolution that is helpful to both parties. I fully endorse the private sector agreement between U.S. exporters and Korean importers that would allow U.S. beef into Korea."

In April, South Korea fully agreed to full resumption of U.S. beef trade. Since that time, there have been protests in South Korea demanding that Korea imports U.S. beef only from cattle younger than 30 months. In response to the protests, an agreement was reached between US exporters and Korean importers. The Koreans would request beef from cattle younger than 30 months and the U.S. would export only meat below that age.

Brownback continued, "Regardless of the age of the cattle from which it is derived, U.S. beef is approved for export under World Organization for Animal Health guidelines, and poses no health threat whatsoever to consumers. The resumption of beef trade and the free trade agreement need to move forward. We've waited long enough. Once beef trade is resumed, the Senate must act quickly to pass the South Korean free trade agreement. This agreement will further establish our relationship with South Korea and will result in economic development for both countries."

Brownback recently has met with several Korean officials including Republic of Korea Assembly member Kwon, Taeg Ki, and former ROK Presidential Envoy and a visiting professor at SAIS/Johns Hopkins Lee, Jae Oh.

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