News From Sen. Sam Brownback

Brownback Comments on Senate Farm Bill Procedural Vote

Friday, November 16, 2007

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Sam Brownback today voted against a procedural motion to end debate on the Senate farm bill. The motion failed to pass the Senate by a vote of 55-42.

"I'm disappointed that the Majority Leader has not allowed my Republican colleagues to amend the farm bill," said Brownback. "The farm bill historically is not a partisan bill, but this year the Democrats tried to score cheap political points instead of passing sound farm policy. Republicans should have been allowed to amend this bill in an open process, and I'm hopeful we'll eventually be able to do that."

The farm bill has been on the Senate floor since November 6, but no amendments were voted on. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) obstructed the ability to amend the bill by "filling the tree," a procedural move that denied Republicans the right to get votes on their amendments.

Brownback continued, "This bill is one of the most important bills for the state of Kansas. It's too important of a bill to be used as a political pawn. I'm hopeful the Democrats allow us to work on this critical bill."

Senator Brownback is a member of the Senate Appropriations and Judiciary Committees.


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