
6/19/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Finance Committee Adoption of Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Tax Credits

June 19, 2007

“Strengthening America’s energy security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil and addressing the threat of global climate change will require transforming our transportation sector.  Promoting a new generation of fuel-efficient vehicles is critical to this effort.  Toward that end, I wrote last week to Chairman Baucus requesting that the Senate Finance Committee extend the alternative motor vehicle tax credits.  That is why I am pleased that the Finance Committee acted today to support additional tax credits for fuel-efficient alternative motor vehicles and plug-in hybrids.  I commend Chairman Baucus and the other members of the Committee for recognizing the importance of encouraging manufacturers to continue investing in innovative technologies, and for enabling Americans to make cleaner, greener choices that advance our nation’s economic, energy, and environmental interests.  I am hopeful these important alternative vehicle tax incentives will be retained throughout the legislative process, and ultimately enacted into law.  I will continue to press to ensure that result.”

6/12/07: Senator Dodd Encourages Use of Cleaner, More Efficient Vehicles In Letter to Finance Committee

June 12, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) sent a letter today to Senators Max Baucus (D-MT) and Charles Grassley (R-IA), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, urging the Committee to include an extension of the alternative motor vehicle tax credits when the Committee marks up the energy tax bill that the Senate is expected to consider next week.  The tax credits will provide an incentive to consumers who purchase fuel cell, advanced lean burn, hybrid, or alternative fuel vehicles. Senator Dodd has been an outspoken advocate for higher fuel economy and reduction of the use of foreign oil.

11/28/06: Dodd, Lieberman Announce Grants to Help Small Business Research and Tech Projects

November 28. 2006

WASHINGTON – Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman announced today that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will provide funds to Connecticut small businesses for research and development purposes. The technology projects were chosen based on innovation and scientific merit.

“From biotechnology to space exploration to energy innovation, Connecticut businesses continue to develop breakthroughs in science and technology,” said Dodd. “Our small businesses are an important driving force of these industries, and the partnership between NASA and these companies will secure Connecticut’s reputation as a renowned leader in these fields.”

10/26/06: Dodd, Lieberman Announce $10 Million in Federal Fuel Cell Grants

October 26, 2006

WASHINGTON - Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT) announced that the University of Connecticut’s Global Fuel Cell Center and Connecticut-based United Technologies (UTC) Power received today more than $10 million in research and development grants from the U.S. Department of Energy.  The Global Fuel Cell Center received $1.9 million for research into the effects of impurities on fuel-cell performance and durability.  UTC Power received two awards, of $6.4 million and $2 million, for the development of advanced seals and cathode catalysts for use in fuel cells.  Title VIII of the Energy Policy Act, enacted in August 2005, authorized the Energy Department to award the grants today.

8/17/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on U.S. District Court's Ruling on Wiretapping

August 17, 2006

“Today’s ruling by a federal judge finding that the government’s wiretapping program administered by the National Security Administration is unconstitutional comes as no surprise to those of us who believed the government had been overstepping its boundaries and lawlessly infringing upon the rights of law-abiding citizens. U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor should be commended for her adherence to the values we promise so ardently to uphold in the U.S. Constitution and this illustrates, yet again, the need for the Bush Administration to get serious about lawfully protecting the national security of our country rather than thumbing its nose at the law in the name of fighting terrorism.”

8/16/06: Dodd, Lieberman Announce $96K for Public Radio Broadcasting in Connecticut

August 16, 2006

Washington – Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT) today announced that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) has awarded two radio stations in Connecticut the money necessary to help transition to digital radio, which boasts a clearer, CD-quality sound, and will allow the stations to expand and specialize their programming content. The $96,000 will be used to purchase the equipment needed to make the transition and is part of the nearly $8 million Congress authorized to help local public radio stations make the switch to digital systems.

7/27/06: Dodd Announces Passage of Bill to Ready Students for College and the Workforce

July 27, 2006

Washington – Senator Dodd announced that a bill he co-authored, aimed at ensuring that vocational students and teachers have the latest technology available, has passed the Senate. Last year, Senator Dodd met with teachers and faculty at Gateway Community Technical College to unveil the details of the bill, which will help guarantee that the Connecticut and American workforce is the strongest in the world.

6/20/06: Senator Dodd Co-Sponsors 'Net Neutrality' Act

June 20, 2006

Washington, D.C. – Senator Chris Dodd has signed on as a co-sponsor of the Internet Freedom Preservation Act, S.2917. The bill will help encourage the development of new technology and help ensure that all Americans have uninhibited access to content on the Internet, regardless of the service they choose to utilize – so-called “net neutrality.”

( published in: Media Center | Statements | Technology )

6/12/06: Senator Dodd to Co-sponsor Internet Freedom Preservation Act

June 12, 2006
Statement of Senator Dodd on Net Neutrality and the Internet Freedom Preservation Act:

"There is no denying that the internet has revolutionized the way that Americans work, communicate, and access information. With more Americans accessing broadband and other high speed technology, the internet will certainly continue to serve as an important tool for technological innovation.

4/13/06: Providing for our Troops and Protecting CT Jobs: Senator Dodd Visits Windsor-based Aero Gear Inc.

Senator Dodd addresses the workers at Aero Gear Inc.

April 13, 2006
Senator Dodd visited the Windsor-based manufacturer Aero Gear, Inc., where he announced new funding to will support Connecticut jobs and provide critical aerospace technology for the United States Army.

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