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Continuing Resolutions

  1. Territorial Integrity Act - Support fairness intent of 1997 revisions to Montana law governing electric utility territories. Continued vigilance needed in development and enforcement of territorial agreements allowed under these revisions.  
  2. ACRE - Encourage increased involvement of co-ops, directors and staff in political Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE).  
  3. Expanded Research and Development Programs - Support federal and state government involvement in research and development of electricity technology with barriers against giving any one individual or corporation exclusive control of technologies developed at public expense.  
  4. Coal Development - Support orderly development of Montana coal resources; support competitive state coal severance tax; continued co-op support of state administrative and legislative efforts to promote coal development.  
  5. Proximity Legislation to Benefit Public Safety - Support passage and enforcement of stronger laws defining liability responsibility for construction of non-utility facilities too close to power lines.  
  6. Energy Management and Marketing: Supply & Demand Side Planning - Support development and implementation of local demand-side-management (DSM) programs designed to reduce energy demand, improve efficiency of power delivery; oppose centrally-mandated DSM.  
  7. Member Publications - Support continued communications efforts by MECA and National Rural Electric Cooperatives' Association (NRECA) and member subscription to MECA, NRECA publications.  
  8. Revitalizing Cooperative Philosophy - Support development of cooperative education curriculums; specific MECA support for Montana State University Cooperative Curriculum Project, MECA support for pro co-op organizations, such as Montana Council of Cooperatives.  
  9. Role of RUS and Other Financing - Support for continued availability of affordable government & private financing to help rural co-ops meet significant, ongoing utility system improvement & maintenance costs.  
  10. Federal Assistance to Electric Utilities - Enhanced efforts to counter myth that electric cooperatives are heavily subsidized by government. Facts show electric co-ops receive the least annual federal assistance. Investor-owned utilities receive the largest level of federal assistance.  
  11. Hydroelectric Power Projects - Support for controlled expansion & enhancement of hydroelectric power; oppose proposals to remove or draw down Pacific Northwest dams.  
  12. Accountability of Appellate Groups - Urge Congress and federal government to hold appellate groups legally and financially responsible for their actions; urge changes in law to prevent frivolous appeals designed only to delay various projects.  
  13. Wilderness & Protected Areas - Oppose expanded wilderness designation; oppose creation of wilderness areas or designation of wild and scenic areas as a mere guise to prevent orderly and responsible multiple use of natural resources; support preservation of vital water resources.  
  14. Support for Preference Principle - Reaffirmation of co-ops' support for public power preference in allocation of federal power resources; urge Congress and administrative agencies to adhere to letter, intent and historical justification for such laws.  
  15. Youth Programs - Encourage electric co-ops to become more involved in youth programs, such as Youth to Washington Tour, Young Consumers Program, MECA Memorial Scholarship Fund, as a means to increase interest and understanding of youth in rural electrification.  
  16. Wheeling and Transmission Access - Support for congressional grandfathering in of already-passed state laws on retail power wheeling; opposition to federal one-size-fits-all mandates.  
  17. Universal Service Fund - Support universal service concepts that assure affordable telecommunications services in rural America.  
  18. Sellout/Buyouts - Support efforts to prevent hostile takeovers of co-ops by cash-plentiful investor-owned utilities; encourage co-ops' funding of programs designed to prevent such takeovers; encourage federal lenders to deny IOUs assumption of Rural Utilities Service loans.  
  19. Wildlife and Fish Mitigation - Support requiring all benefiting agencies and individuals, not just electric ratepayers, to pay wildlife and fish mitigation costs; urge application of cost-benefit test to all mitigation programs.  
  20. Relocation of Power Lines and Poles - Request public agencies consider cost impacts on co-op members as a result of decisions to mandate total, immediate relocation of power lines/poles on public rights of way; urge moves be conducted through attrition of such facilities.  
  21. Service Area Agreements - Urge co-ops to adopt fair and clearly defined procedures for extending poles/wires service to new customers in adjoining areas.  
  22. Montana Water Resources - Support continued efforts to preserve and protect Montana water resources from loss to downstream states and other entities; urge equity in allocation of water and water rights to our state and its residents.  
  23. Preservation of Multiple Use of Public Lands - Support multiple use of public lands; support legislation to enhance and strengthen multiple use concept on public lands.  
  24. Federal-State Water Rights - Support preemptive authority of federal government in licensing hydroelectric power projects and determining stream flows at such projects; oppose legislation granting states absolute veto power on hydroelectric power projects.
  25. Strict Liability on Federal Lands Rights-Of-Way - Urge passage of federal legislation allowing waiver of strict liability clause for fire suppression in utility easement agreements; urge adoption of ordinary negligence standard, holding utilities harmless if not directly responsible.  
  26. Development of Transmission Facilities to Meet Preference Customer Needs - Support for development of a transmission interconnection in southeast Montana to mutually benefit federal preference power customers throughout the Missouri River and Pacific Northwest regions.  
  27. Reauthorization of Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) - Support ESA reform that considers economic impacts of species listing, produces tangible results in restoring fish and wildlife populations; compensates private landowners for species mitigation mandates.
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