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case study series
Solar Energy
Solar technologies directly harness energy from the sun. Solar technologies include photovoltaic systems that convert sunlight to electricity, solar hot water systems that heat water for swimming pools and buildings, and solar space heating systems that provide heat for buildings. In addition, passive solar designs provide heat for buildings and daylighting strategies use sunlight to reduce electricity used for lighting. The Energy Office has provided financial support for a number of solar demonstrations including a Solar Fountain, PV and Wind in Agriculture project, and a solar hot water project at St. Elizabeth Church. The Energy Office has also provided financial support for a Sustainability Education Handbook that can assist teachers to incorporate solar energy into their lessons. Solar Power Installed in Michigan

Wind Energy
Untitled Document Untitled Document Untitled Document Wind energy systems use the wind to turn a set of aerodynamic blades attached to an electric generator or turbine. When the wind blows, the blades turn, spinning a shaft that creates electricity in a generator. Wind turbines that are being manufactured have power ratings ranging from 250 to 2,000,000 watts (2 MW). For example, Traverse City Light and Power has a 600 kW (600,000 watts) wind generator that provides power for approximately 200 households. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has estimated that Michigan has a potential for development of 16, 560 MW. Wind Power Installed in Michigan
Michigan Wind Energy Resource Maps
AWS Truewind has developed wind energy resource maps for the Energy Office and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory with financial support from the U.S. Department of Energy. Wind energy resource maps are estimates of wind resources and are based primarily upon computer modeling. They are intended to be suggestive of areas within Michigan that may be suitable for wind generators. Values represented for any geographic location may differ from actual conditions at the same location. Although the maps are believed to represent an accurate overall picture of the wind energy resource, estimates at any location should be confirmed by measurement before purchase or installation of any wind power systems. more...


• Michigan State University Extension

• Sample Zoning Language for Wind Energy Systems PDF icon

• Huron County Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance PDF icon

• Oliver Township Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance PDF icon

• Michigan Renewable Energy Exchange

• Michigan Solar and Wind Monitoring Sites PDF icon

• Michigan Energy Demonstration Centers

• Michigan Wind Working Group

• Solar Energy Demonstrations

Case Studies

• St. Elizabeth Catholic Church PDF icon

• PV in the Parks PDF icon

• Traverse City Wind Generator PDF icon

• Solar School in Zeeland PDF icon

• Smiley/Kopka Residence PDF icon

• Mackinaw City Wind Generators

• Straw Bale Studio PDF icon

• More Case Studies


• Michigan's Offshore Wind Potential PDF icon

• Michigan Great Lakes Offshore Wind Permitting Dry Run Final Report PDF icon

• Solar and Wind Energy Equipment Suppliers PDF icon

• Small Wind Electric Systems Guide PDF icon

• Solar Tour of Michigan PDF icon

• Financial Help For Businesses

• Financial Help For Homeowners

• Michigan Success Stories

• Sun Power - Childrens Book PDF icon

• More Publications

Related Links

• Great Lakes Wiki

• National Renew. Energy Laboratory

• Great Lakes Renewable Energy Assoc.

• American Solar Energy Society

• American Wind Energy Association

• Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

• DOE Green Power Network

• More Related Links

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