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Didion Milling Meets the World's Increasingly Diverse Food Product Demands

Didion Milling has been procuring, storing, milling and transporting corn products for almost 20 years. Our success is based on our ability to add value to corn, enhancing our customers operations and enriching the lives of consumers. Our new ethanol plant is an extension of our traditional business. We have the ability to fractionate corn in our mill prior to sending it to our ethanol plant giving us the ability to separate the corn kernel into fractions specifically suited for food products, ethanol products and animal feeds unlocking the full potential of corn!

Here you will discover how we meet the world's increasingly diverse food product demands, find up-to-date market news and information, and learn more about this family-owned business. So, come on in, meet our great people, learn about our excellent products and exceptional service. Discover the Didion Difference!


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