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Here is Volume 6, Number 21 of eNEWS.
To open a different issue, please select it from the archive following this issue.

An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews November 16, 2007 Volume VI, Number 21

Remembering Veterans

My work on the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee has made Veterans' Day even more meaningful for me. Working with Veterans Service Organizations and veterans themselves, I have been able to improve the health care and benefits that Idaho veterans receive as well as working to pass commonsense reforms for the entire Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Some veterans in Idaho have seen the difficulties of obtaining quality health care in a largely rural state, but I firmly believe that living in rural areas should not preclude a veteran from receiving the benefits and high-quality health care they deserve. Because of that, I worked with VA to open three new Community Based Outpatient Clinics, and I am continuing that work to open more.

Among my proudest achievements for veterans was the enactment of legislation creating the Traumatic Injury Protection program under Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (T-SGLI) benefit in May 2005. Under the T-SGLI benefit, those traumatically wounded since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom are eligible for financial payments that range from $25,000 to $100,000 for qualifying injuries, depending on severity. As of December 1, 2005, all servicemembers and Reservists insured under the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program are also covered under the T-SGLI benefit.

Over the next year, I will be working very hard to preserve and build on these achievements for our nation's veterans and their families. I hope all Americans take the opportunity—not just on Veterans Day, but every day—to honor the brave men and women who fight and have fought to keep us safe at home and keep our nation free.

my Veterans Link Issue Briefing and newsletter
The Census Bureau's Veterans Day Facts and Figures
my footage from a climate change hearing
with your views on Veterans Day, veterans issues or other topics.

How should the U.S. reduce carbon emissions?

A) Impose a tax on consumers for all carbon emissions

B) Establish clean energy and efficiency standards for individual sectors (autos, fuels, power, forests, agriculture)

C) Impose an economy-wide cap on emissions and allow all sectors to purchase and trade carbon allowances

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On November 2, subscribers were asked:
On October 31 the President signed a bill I supported that extends the moratorium on Internet access taxation. How do you feel about the current Internet access tax ban?

A) I support the ban on taxes    [97%, 324 votes]
B) I think states should be able to tax Internet access   [3%, 11 votes]

Open a window on Washington

My biweekly video digest features highlights of recent legislative activities with insights into what lies ahead on the agenda.

In the most recent update:

Show of force between legislative and executive branches regarding spending bills. Defense bill enacted and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education vetoed. Congress overrides veto on Water Resources Development Act.

The Washington Report, 11/15/2007
[Streaming RealMedia]

Idaho has long been a state well-suited for military training, with excellent facilities that aren't threatened by urban encroachment.

- Gowen Field
projects announced

Senator Larry Craig

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Moscow Means Music -11/14/07
Idaho, Wyoming and Montana Delegations Fight for Snowmobile Use to Remain Open in Yellowstone -11/14/07
The Ol' Bait and Switch -11/9/07
Craig and Simpson Secure Economic Development/Transportation Funds for Idaho -11/14/07
Craig Calls for Studies of Costs and Benefits of Climate Bills -11/8/07
Craig and Simpson Secure Defense Funds for Idaho -11/7/07
Craig Secures $7.6 Million for Gowen Field -11/6/07
Craig and Simpson Secure Funds for Idaho's Hospitals, Education and More -11/1/07
Craig and Simpson Secure $8 Million For 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Idaho -11/1/07

Current Event

Thanksgiving in D.C.

Before I return to Idaho for the Thanksgiving break, I gathered my staff together for a "Capital Thanksgiving." Event Details

National Adoption Month

President Bush has declared November National Adoption Month. It is a time to recognize the adoptive and foster families who have shared their homes and hearts with children in need, and we encourage more Americans to consider adopting young people of all ages.

As an adoptive father, I know how much joy can be brought into one's life through adopting a child, but also how difficult it can sometimes be to wade through the adoption process. As a legislator, I know that the process can be made easier so that many more Americans can form families through adoption.

Additionally, every year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, the National Adoption Day Coalition sponsors National Adoption Day to finalize the adoptions of thousands of children in foster care and to celebrate all families that adopt. On National Adoption Day 2007—Saturday, November 17—hundreds of courts and communities across the nation will come together to finalize thousands of adoptions of children from foster care. The day brings together hundreds of judges, attorneys, adoption agencies, adoption professionals and child advocates who are dedicated to creating forever families for waiting children.

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