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U.S. Wants Top Aides at the U.N. to Resign When Annan Leaves


Staff Reporter of the Sun

June 7, 2006

UNITED NATIONS - In a move bound to ruffle feathers at Turtle Bay, the American ambassador, John Bolton, yesterday advocated mass resignations by the top appointees who run the United Nations bureaucracy, so a new secretary-general, who is scheduled to assume office at the beginning of next year, could pick his own team.

Mr. Bolton, a strong believer of sweeping change at the United Nations, told The New York Sun that once a new leader assumes office on January 1, not only should the heads of various departments, known by their title of undersecretary-generals, leave, but also those directly underneath them, known as assistant secretaries-general.

"I strongly recommend that all appointees, ASGs and above, should resign their posts to give the new secretary-general a lot of flexibility," he said.

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June 2006 News

Senator Tom Coburn

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