January 3, 2009

Press Releases

Press Release of Senator Wyden

Independent Health Reform Analysis: Middle Class Wins Under Healthy Americans Act

Lewin Report says Wyden-Bennett plan will improve health benefits and save money for American families

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC – Today the Lewin Group, an independent health care consulting firm, released a report on the Healthy Americans Act (S. 334) saying, “The Healthy Americans Act (HAA) reduces family health care costs by improving benefits, assisting lower- and moderate-income families in paying for private insurance and providing new opportunities for people to save from competition among health plans." 

"No matter how bad the current system gets, the idea of changing it is scary for a lot of people," said U.S. Senator Ron Wyden"Today's report does an excellent job of allaying those fears, showing families that the Healthy Americans Act won't take away their benefits, it will give them an opportunity to choose something better and save them money."

“The Lewin Group’s independent report underscores the sensibility of our bipartisan Healthy Americans Act, which will provide accessible, affordable, and portable health insurance for Americans,” said Bennett. “As the report highlights, our bill will create price competition among health plans to achieve unmatched savings and improve health care benefits for individuals and families.”  (D-Ore.). 


Today's report build's on previous analyses conducted by the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation, as well as the Lewin Group, which found that implementing the Healthy Americans Act would not only not require additional federal spending, but would generate taxpayer savings after the first two years of implementation.

Today's report (link below) details how the Healthy Americans Act -- introduced by Wyden and Bennett and co-sponsored by a bipartisan coalition of 14 U.S. Senators:

1. Reduces out-of-pocket costs for most Americans;
2. Promotes savings through increased consumer choice;
3. Targets subsidies to those needing help;
4. Encourages prevention and other needed care

5. Ends discrimination against sick and older Americans
6. Guarantees health security regardless of employment; and
7. Ends the current shifting of health care costs from those who don't have insurance to those who do.

Read the latest Lewin Group report here:

http://wyden.senate.gov/issues/Healthy Americans Act/091708lewin_report.pdf


The full text of the CBO report is available here:


For more information about the Healthy Americans Act and its bipartisan coalition of 16 cosponsors, visit: http://wyden.senate.gov/haa and http://bennett.senate.gov


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