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Committee: Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Title: NCLB Reauthorization: Strategies that Promote School Improvement
Date: Thursday, February 8, 2007
Place: Hart 216
Audio / Video: Click Here to Listen to the Hearing (starts at 7:00)
Hearing File: Click Here to view the final hearing transcript as printed
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Witness Testimony
Michael P. Flanagan, State Superintendent of Instruction, State of Michigan
  Alana Dale Turner, Teacher, Easton High School, Easton, MD
  Richard Coleman, Sr., Director, An Achievable Dream Academy, Newport News, VA.
  Kimberly Johnson, Principal, Briggs Chaney Middle School, Silver Spring, MD
  Dr. Yvonne Brandon, Associate Superintendent for Instruction & Accountability, Richmond Public Schools.
  Dr. Martha Barber, Alabama Reading Initiative Regional Principal Coach, Birmingham, AL
  Hosanna Mahaley Johnson, Executive Officer, Office of New Schools, Chicago Public Schools
  Paul Reville, President, Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy
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