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The Role of Tax Incentives in Addressing Rural Energy
Needs and Conservation

August 24, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. in Billings Montana

Members' Statements:
Max Baucus, MT
Charles Grassley, IA

Panel one consisting of:
Mr. Bob Anderson, Commissioner, Montana Public Service Commission, Helena, MT

Mr. William Pascoe, Vice President, Montana Power Company, Butte, MT

Ms. Nancy Hirsh, Policy Director, Northwest Energy Coalition, Seattle, WA

Mr. Terry Holzer, General Manager, Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative, Huntley, MT

Mr. Darwin Subart, Executive Vice-President and General Manager, WBI Southern, Inc., Denver, CO

Panel two consisting of:
Mr. Ron Harper, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismark, ND

Ms. Gina Sewell, Tax Manager, Devon Energy Corporation, Oklahoma City, OK

Mr. Dale Horton, Program Manager, National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte, MT

Panel three consisting of:
Mr. Wes Martel, Shoshone Business Council, Fort Washakie, MT

Mr. Dennis Fitzpatrick, Siyeh Delevopment Corporation, Browning, MT

The Honorable Arlyn Headdress, Chairman, Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board, Poplar, MT


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