January 2, 2009

Identity Theft

Identity theft is an increasing problem and it is important that immediate and comprehensive steps be taken to stop it.  Currently, numerous bills are being considered by the Senate and House committees dealing with identity theft.  Proposals before Congress include adding privacy protection requirements for data brokers and giving consumers the option to freeze their credit reports.

Senator Wyden believes that we need to be aggressive and decisive in working to prevent identity theft.  One action that the Senator believes should be taken is to give consumers back control of their credit.  If a consumer wishes to freeze their credit in order to prevent new accounts from being opened in their name, they should have the right to do so, especially if they feel someone may have stolen their personal identity.

If you have been a victim of identity theft, there are many steps you can take.  Learn more about these important steps at the Federal Trade Commission’s website:  http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft/

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