


Displaying 61 items.  For more search options, go to Search Site.

Mar 4, 2004 - Press Release
Senators Dorgan, Levin release GAO study: Top Government Contractors Reap Millions, But Flock to Tax Haven Countries
Feb 19, 2004 - Press Release
Levin Applauds Stock Option Accounting Reform
Feb 12, 2004 - Committee Statement
Hearing on DOD Contractors Who Cheat on Their Taxes and What Should Be Done About It
Feb 12, 2004 - Press Release
Tax Dodging by DOD Contractors Costs Taxpayers Billions, Says Levin
Feb 10, 2004 - Press Release
Fitzgerald, Levin, and Collins introduce bipartisan, comprehensive mutual fund reform legislation
Jan 27, 2004 - Committee Statement
Statement of Senator Carl Levin before U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Financial Management, the Budget, and International Security on Oversight Hearing on Mutual Funds
Jan 12, 2004 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Carl Levin on KPMG Management Changes
Nov 18, 2003 - Committee Statement
U.S. Tax Shelter Industry: The Role of Accountants, Lawyers and Financial Professionals
Jul 28, 2003 - Press Release
Statement by Senator Carl Levin on Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase Settlements
Jul 24, 2003 - Floor Statement
Corporate Inversions
May 1, 2003 - Press Release
Key Reformers Join Levin and McCain In Opposing Legislation to Derail Stock Option Expensing
Apr 9, 2003 - Press Release
Senate Approves Levin-Nelson Measure to Strengthen SEC Civil Enforcement
Mar 12, 2003 - Press Release
Levin Applauds FASB Decision to Examine Stock Options
Feb 12, 2003 - Press Release
Levin Statement on the Sarbanes-Oxley Ban on Insider Corporate Loans
Feb 5, 2003 - Press Release
Members of Senate and House Call on FASB to Expense Stock Options
Jan 23, 2003 - Press Release
Levin Disappointed by SEC Retreat on Auditor Rules Regarding Tax Services
Jan 16, 2003 - Press Release
Levin, McCain Introduce Bills to End Stock Option Double Standard
Jan 2, 2003 - Press Release
Senate Subcommittee Report Charges U.S. Financial Institutions with Aiding Enron Deceptions
Dec 17, 2002 - Press Release
Levin and Collins Release New Document on Slapshot Tax Dodge
Nov 1, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Urges President to Ask for Harvey Pitt's Resignation
Oct 31, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Sen. Carl Levin Calling for the Resignation of SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt
Oct 16, 2002 - Press Release
One Year Anniversary of Enron Scandal
Sep 25, 2002 - Press Release
Levin, Collins Urge SEC to Resist Efforts to Weaken Key Post-Enron Reform
Aug 21, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Lauds Announcement by Investment Company Institute in Support of Expensing Stock Options
Aug 12, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Urges President to Call on Business Leaders to Restore Investor Confidence
Aug 9, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Calls on President to Challenge Business Leaders at Economic Forum
Aug 8, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Levin on Citigroup's Initiatives Addressing Honest Accounting
Aug 7, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Levin on Marathon Oil Corporation's Decision to Expense Stock Options
Aug 6, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Levin on General Motors' Decision to Expense Stock Options
Jul 26, 2002 - Press Release
Levin, Collins to Hold Second Hearing on the Role of Financial Institutions in Enron's Collapse
Jul 25, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Releases Letters to CEOs of J.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup
Jul 25, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Levin on the Senate's Passage of the Corporate and Auditing Accountability Act
Jul 16, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Levin on Bank One's Decision to Expense Stock Options
Jul 15, 2002 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Levin on the Senate's Failure to Act on Stock Options Amendment
Jul 12, 2002 - Press Release
Senate Investigations Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on the Role of Financial Institutions in Enron's Collapse
Jul 11, 2002 - Press Release
Senate Floor Speeches by Senators Levin and McCain on the Expensing of Stock Options
Jul 8, 2002 - Press Release
Levin to Offer Amendments to Accounting Reform Bill
Jul 7, 2002 - Press Release
Senate Subcommittee Report Charges Enron Board of Directors with Contributing to Enron's Collapse
May 3, 2002 - Press Release
Levin, Collins Announce Witnesses for Hearing on Enron Board before the Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations
Apr 26, 2002 - Press Release
Levin to Release Results of 11 Month Investigation into Gas Prices: Gas Prices: How Are They Really Set?
Apr 22, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Unveils "Shareholders' Bill of Rights"
Apr 19, 2002 - Press Release
At Speech to the Detroit Economic Club, Levin to Unveil "Shareholders' Bill of Rights"
Apr 4, 2002 - Press Release
Senate Investigations Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on the Role of the Enron Board of Directors
Mar 6, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Releases Correspondence Regarding Secretary White's Financial Ties to Enron
Feb 13, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Seeks to End the Double Standard for Stock Options
Feb 13, 2002 - Press Release
Summary of Levin-McCain-Fitzgerald-Durbin-Dayton Ending the Double Standard for Stock Options Act
Feb 13, 2002 - Floor Statement
On the Introduction of Legislation to End the Double Standard for Stock Options [S. 1940]
Feb 13, 2002 - Press Release
Section-by-Section Analysis of S. 1940 Ending the Double Standard for Stock Options Act
Feb 13, 2002 - Press Release
Senate Floor Statement of Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich)on the Introduction of Legislation to End the Double Standard for Stock Options [S. 1940]
Jan 10, 2002 - Press Release
Levin Statement on Enron Investigation
Jan 2, 2002 - Press Release
Lieberman, Levin to Probe Enron Collapse
Jan 2, 2002 - Press Release
Statement by Senator Carl Levin at Press Conference on Enron Investigation
Mar 28, 2000 - Committee Statement
Statement of Senator Carl Levin at the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Hearing on Oversight of Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Settlement Policies
Mar 28, 2000 - Press Release
Hearing on Oversight of Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Settlement Policies
Feb 24, 2000 - Press Release
Statement of Senator Carl Levin Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Hearing on the Day Trading Industry and its Practices
Feb 23, 2000 - Press Release
Senate Subcommittee Reviews Day Trading Practices, Seeks Reforms to Clean Up Day Trading Industry
Feb 2, 2000 - Floor Statement
Statement of Senator Carl Levin on the Bankruptcy Reform Act
Feb 2, 2000 - Floor Statement
Statement of Senator Carl Levin on the Bankruptcy Reform Act
May 7, 1999 - Press Release
Banking Bill's Failures on Securities Regulation Addressed by Levin-Schumer Amendment
Jan 20, 1999 - Press Release
Sen. Carl Levin Becomes Ranking Democratic Member of the Historic Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Jan 20, 1999 - Press Release
Sen. Carl Levin Becomes Ranking Democratic Member of the Historic Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations


Below are links to Senator Levin's official portrait and other press photos.


Listed below you will find newspaper columns and opinions written by Senator Levin.


Listed here you will find excerpts from radio interviews given by Senator Levin.