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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Legislation on Child Soldiers Becomes Law

Lincoln, NE - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry today thanked President Bush for signing into law the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008.   Fortenberry led an initiative against the practice of child soldiers that became part of the legislation and was invited to attend the White House bill-signing ceremony.   

“Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery,” said Fortenberry.  “I am pleased that today, the United States solidifies its role at the forefront of international efforts to prevent pernicious abuses and exploitation.  With the enactment of this important legislation, our nation takes a firm stance to promote the safety and dignity of vulnerable individuals worldwide.”

Fortenberry was the author of the Child Soldier Prevention Act, legislation that condemns the abduction, conscription, and forced recruitment of children and encourages an expansion of efforts to recover and reintegrate child soldiers into their communities.  This bill was later incorporated into the William Wilberforce anti-trafficking legislation.

The State Department estimates approximately 800,000 individuals are trafficked across international borders each year, not including the millions who are trafficked within their nations’ borders.  Of those victims, 80 percent are female, and as many as 50 percent are children.


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