Senator Thad Cochran

November 20, 2003 (202)224-6404


Senator Thad Cochran joined today with Senator Edward Kennedy in introducing the "Stroke Treatment and Ongoing Prevention Act," to comprehensively provide a system of early intervention, treatment, and prevention of stroke.

"Strokes are debilitating and deadly. Mississippi has one of the highest rates of death due to stroke in the nation," said Senator Cochran. "This bill invests in prevention and early treatment that will reduce disability and increase survival rate."

The bill provides grants to states to develop statewide programs for stroke care, so that the most effective treatment will be available to patients as quickly and efficiently as possible to reduce the level of disability caused by stroke.

"All of us in the health professions appreciate the interest and support of Sen. Cochran and his colleagues. We look forward to providing better care for our patients with stroke, and more opportunities to prevent stroke," said University of Mississippi Medical Center Vice Chancellor Dan Jones.

In the STOP Stroke Act, training will be available for health professionals, as will guidelines on best practices. Stroke systems will rely on information-sharing among agencies and individuals involved in the study and provision of care. The bill also authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry to enhance the development and collection of data and analyze the care of acute stroke patients.

In the 107th Congress, the STOP Stroke Act passed the Senate unanimously. Congressman Chip Pickering (R-MS) has also introduced similar stroke legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.



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