Senator Thad Cochran

November 14, 2002 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS), who is expected to become the next Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, has stated that it is his intention to select Hunt Shipman to be the new Staff Director of the Committee. Shipman would transition to the Agriculture Committee once Senator Cochran has officially assumed his duties as Chairman when the 108th Congress convenes in January.

While serving as USDA's Deputy Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, Shipman provided leadership to various agencies within the agency. In this position, he managed various programs administered by the Farm Service Agency and the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Risk Management Agency and the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, and the Foreign Agricultural Service. These agencies are comprised of more than 18,000 employees and administer more than $34 billion in USDA programs. Shipman also served as an advisor to Secretary Veneman during the Bush Administration transition, helped lead USDA's 2002 Farm Bill Implementation team, and was instrumental in developing various Bush Administration farm policy initiatives.

Prior to his position at the Department of Agriculture, Shipman served on Senator Cochran's staff from June 1992 until January 2001, first as a legislative aide, then as the Senator's legislative assistant handling agricultural issues, including agriculture appropriations.

Cochran said, "I am pleased Hunt Shipman will return to my staff to be the new staff director of the Agriculture Committee. Hunt worked tirelessly on the recent farm bill as a member of Secretary Veneman's team. I know he will do a superb job of managing the work of the committee staff."

"This is a tremendous opportunity for Hunt, and I strongly support his decision to again work for Senator Cochran in this new capacity. Hunt's leadership, as well as his extensive knowledge and understanding of trade and agricultural issues, will be sorely missed at USDA," said Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman. "Hunt has been an effective, trusted and dedicated public servant, helping guide us during the Administration's transition period and helping lead USDA's Farm Bill implementation team. We all wish him the very best and look forward to working closely with him in his new position."



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