Senator Thad Cochran

October 6, 2000 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- Last night Senate and House conferees reached an agreement on an appropriations funding bill for programs and activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and related agencies for fiscal year 2001, Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) announced today.

The conferees approved $3.6 billion in emergency relief funds for American farmers and ranchers, which includes crop loss and disaster assistance, $490 million for livestock assistance, and $473 million for dairy assistance. The bill gives the Secretary of Agriculture access to the Commodity Credit Corporation for crop and quality loss assistance, thus avoiding proration of payments as in previous years.

Cochran said, "The farmers of this country continue to work hard to provide a safe and abundant food supply while battling difficulties on every front. This bill will respond to their needs by providing emergency assistance to compensate for losses, including those farmers in Mississippi who have suffered from drought problems this year."

In addition, the bill contains $873 million for conservation programs of the Department of Agriculture, an increase of $69 million over last year. The bill authorizes the enrollment of an additional 100,000 acres in the Wetlands Reserve Program bringing the total enrollment in the program up to 1,075,000 acres. The legislation also authorizes the Secretary to continue the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program.

The conferees approved $1.88 billion for agriculture research, education and extension programs, an increase of $104 million over last year. The Agriculture Research Service will receive $898 million, and the activities of the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service are funded at $981.6 million.

The legislation provides $3.09 billion in authorized loan levels for agricultural credit programs for farmers, which is a $14 million increase over last year.

The bill also provides $5.07 billion for rural housing loans and $680 million for rural housing rental assistance. In addition, rural economic and community development programs will receive $644.4 million for loans and grants for rural water and sewer facilities.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service is funded at $696.7 million, an increase of $47.6 million above last year, $8.5 million more than the President's request. An additional $30 million is also provided for food safety activities of the Food and Drug Administration, which is also funded in this appropriations bill.

The bill contains almost $34.1 billion for federal nutrition assistance, including the school lunch and breakfast programs, food stamps, and the WIC program.

The conference report also requires lifting the ban on food and medicine exports to Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea and Sudan which will provide additional markets for U.S. farmers to sell their crops.

Cochran said, "These programs will promote efficient farming methods, fund innovative research, and encourage trade policies that increase access to markets worldwide."

The Conference Report must now be approved by the Senate and the House of Representatives before it is sent to the President to be signed.



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