Senator Thad Cochran

April 14, 2005 (202)224-6407


Washington, DC - Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) spoke on the floor of the Senate yesterday afternoon in support of Judge John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the United States. The full Senate is expected to vote on the nominee this morning. Cochran offered the following statement on Roberts' nomination:

"Mr. President, I appreciate the opportunity to speak on behalf of Judge John G. Roberts' nomination to serve as Chief Justice of the United States.

"The members of the Senate may disagree on many legal and political issues, but I am confident that a majority of the Senate will agree that Judge John Roberts should be confirmed. He has provided the Judiciary Committee with the story of his life. He's answered questions on a wide range of issues. In the process, he has demonstrated the ability, the temperament and the wisdom to serve as Chief Justice of the United States.

"The process of providing advice and consent on a Supreme Court nomination is one of the Senate's most significant Constitutional responsibilities, although it is not something we are called upon to do very often. Eleven years have passed since the Senate last exercised its duty to provide advice and consent to the President on his selection of a Supreme Court nominee. Nineteen years have passed since the Senate last considered a nominee for Chief Justice.

"By now, all Senators and most Americans have come to know the impressive life story of John G. Roberts, Jr. He's a summa cum laude graduate of Harvard University and an honors graduate of the Harvard Law School. He was an editor of the "Harvard Law Review." After graduating from law school with high honors, Judge Roberts served as a law clerk to a Judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and as a law clerk to then Associate Justice Rehnquist on the United States Supreme Court. He's also served as a Special Assistant to the Attorney General of the United States and as an Associate Counsel to President Ronald Reagan.

"After those years of public service, he spent three years in private practice at a well-respected law firm specializing in civil litigation. Judge Roberts then returned to public service as the Principal Deputy Solicitor General of the United States. During his years of service at the Department of Justice and as a lawyer in private practice, Judge Roberts argued 39 cases before the United States Supreme Court. His performance before the Court earned him a reputation as one of the Nation's premier Appellate Court advocates. Two years ago, Judge Roberts was unanimously confirmed by this Senate to the United State Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. This Circuit Court is considered by many to be the Nation's second-highest court.

"Judge Roberts is a devoted husband, a dutiful father of two young children and he is a good and honest man. I closely followed the Senate's Judiciary Committee hearings on his nomination to be Chief Justice. It is clear to me that he is the right person for this very important responsibility. Judge Roberts has served with distinction in every job he has ever had. His record is compelling evidence that he would be an able and thoughtful member and that his experience and his respect for the rule of law demonstrate that he would be an outstanding Chief Justice of the United States. The quality and correctness of opinions and decisions by the Supreme Court will depend upon the conscientious application of reason and the rule of law by Chief Justice Roberts and his colleagues on the Supreme Court.

"I think Judge Roberts fully understands the role of the Supreme Court Justice and is totally qualified to discharge the duties of the Chief Justice. I believe he will be fair to all and in the application of the rule of law, impartial and unbiased. This is serious business. The members of the federal Judiciary are charged with the responsibility of protection our rights as American citizens, adjudicating our grievances, promoting order and justice, and serving as stewards of the rule of law. The Chief Justice of the United States is the highest-ranking official in the Judiciary Branch of our federal government. He's in charge of the management administration of the highest court in the land.

"I believe Judge Roberts has what it takes to be an outstanding Chief Justice. I congratulate the President for his selection of Judge Roberts, and I commend the President for his nomination."



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