Senator Thad Cochran

July 21, 2000 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- Last night, the Senate approved a bill authored by Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) to provide $75.7 billion in appropriations funding for programs and activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and related agencies for fiscal year 2001.

"The bill provides the resources to continue to support U.S. agriculture by enabling farmers and ranchers to be more efficient, assuring food safety, and breaking down barriers to trade," said Cochran, who chairs the subcommittee.

The Senate approved $450 million in emergency crop loss assistance for farmers. Livestock producers and dairy farmers will receive $893 million in emergency assistance.

Cochran said, "This bill responds to the needs of farmers who continue to experience weather-related disaster losses this year."

In addition, the bill includes $867.6 million for the various conservation programs of the Department of Agriculture, an increase of $63.4 million more than last year. The bill authorizes the enrollment of an additional 100,000 acres in the Wetlands Reserve Program and authorizes the Secretary to access other funds to continue the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program.

"These conservation funds provide technical assistance and cost-sharing for programs which help landowners protect our valuable natural resources. I am particularly pleased that the Senate approved additional acreage enrollments in the Wetlands Reserve Program and funds for the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program," said Cochran.

The legislation includes an increase of $60.4 million over last year's funding levels for agriculture research, education and extension programs. The Agriculture Research Service will receive $871.6 million, and the activities of the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service are funded at $964.8 million.

The Senate approved $3.1 billion in authorized loan levels for agricultural credit programs for farmers.

The bill also provides $4.56 billion for rural housing loans and $680 million for rural housing rental assistance. In addition, rural economic and community development programs will receive $644.4 million for loans and grants for rural water and sewer facilities.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service is funded at $678 million, an increase of $28.9 million above last year. An additional $30 million is also provided for food safety activities of the Food and Drug Administration, which is also funded in this appropriations bill.

The Senate also approved $35 billion for federal nutrition assistance, including the school lunch and breakfast programs, food stamps, and the WIC program.

Differences between the House and Senate versions of the legislation will be resolved in conference.



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