Senator Thad Cochran

July 17, 2001 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved a bill that provides $73.9 billion for programs and activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and related agencies for fiscal year 2002, Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) announced today.

"This bill contains funding to support U.S. agriculture, conserve natural resources, and provide nutrition assistance to many vulnerable Americans," said Cochran, who is a senior member of the Appropriations Committee and the ranking Republican member on the Agriculture Subcommittee.

The legislation also includes an increase of $173 million over last year's funding levels for agriculture research and extension programs. The Agriculture Research Service will receive $1.1 billion, and the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service is funded at $1 billion.

The bill provides $3.89 billion in authorized loan levels for agricultural credit programs for farmers and $979.7 million for the various conservation programs of the Department of Agriculture, an increase of $109 million more than last year.

The Committee approved $4.5 billion for rural housing loans and $708.5 million for rural housing rental assistance. In addition, the rural community advancement program will receive $842.2 million for loans and grants for rural water and sewer facilities.

Cochran said, "These programs will be very helpful to rural residents by providing them access to safe drinking water."

The bill could be considered by the full Senate as early as next week.



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