Senator Thad Cochran

June 12, 2002 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) announced today that the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission has voted to increase the acreage of the Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge located in Jackson County.

Senator Cochran made a motion to approve $533,000 to fund the acquisition of an additional 600 acres for the Grand Bay Refuge, which the Commission approved.

In April 2000, The Conservation Fund, which is made up of partnering organizations, acquired a 2,100 acre tract of land valued at $3.8 million. This land was donated to The Conservation Fund by the International Paper Company. These recent acquisitions for the Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge are valued at over $4.3 million.

This investment is important for the continued protection, restoration, and management of the undeveloped hardwood and pine wetland ecosystem of the Gulf Coast region which provides a palustrine habitat for migratory birds. The Grand Bay Refuge is especially important to trans-gulf birds who use it as a resting/staging point before they continue to migrate north or south. This land also supports an important variety of waterfowl species, including pintail, mallard, mottled duck, scaup, wood duck, redhead, canvasback and widgeon.

Cochran said, "I am pleased that the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission is continuing to protect this valuable natural refuge in our State. The wildlife refuge system, along with continued conservation practices on privately owned land, will help ensure an abundance of waterfowl."

The Migratory Bird Conservation Commission, created in 1934, approves the acquisition of migratory bird habitats recommended by the Secretary of the Interior. The Commission is chaired by the Secretary of the Interior, and membership includes the Secretary of Agriculture, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, two Members of Congress, and two U.S. Senators. Senator Cochran has served on the Commission since 1981.



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