Senator Thad Cochran

May 26, 2005 (202)224-6407


WASHINGTON, D.C. -Senator Thad Cochran introduced a bill today before the U.S. Senate that secures the rights of farmers to use ammonium nitrate fertilizer and provides measures to protect against terrorists who could possibly use this chemical to harm the nation.

The Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Act requires parties who produce, store, sell, or distribute ammonium nitrate to register their facility with their state department of agriculture and to maintain records of sales and distribution of the product.

Senator Cochran said, "The continued availability of ammonium nitrate fertilizer to U.S. farmers has economic, agronomic, and environmental benefits not only to farmers but also to society as a whole. This bill will provide necessary precautions for misuse of the product, but will not unduly burden agriculture professionals or farmers who rely on it."

Ammonium nitrate fertilizer was used in the 1995 terrorist attack on the Oklahoma City Federal Building. Following that tragedy, Congress passed legislation calling for a study on the feasibility and practicability of imposing controls on certain precursor chemicals, including ammonium nitrate. The bill introduced today is a reflection of the cooperation between the Department of Homeland Security, the agriculture community, and the fertilizer industry.

"I believe this important legislation will effectively enhance ongoing security measures and will help to keep ammonium nitrate out of the hands of those who wish to harm our nation," Cochran said.

Senators Pryor, Chambliss, and Roberts were original cosponsors of the legislation.



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