Senator Thad Cochran

March7, 2000 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- America's agriculture sector can continue to count on Congress to provide assistance in several ways during difficult economic times, according to Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS), who addressed approximately 130 members of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation and their families at an event on Capitol Hill today.

Cochran said, "In the last two years, Congress has provided over $15 billion in emergency assistance for agriculture due to weather-related disasters and economic crises, and additional funding might have to be allocated this year."

Cochran went on to say "We've got our work cut out for us in the Congress to respond to the problems that we face in agriculture. A lot of farmers are really hurting, and there are a lot of ways Congress can help in addition to providing direct disaster assistance."

The Senator suggested working to reduce the inheritance tax and other taxes that affect landowners. He also suggested steps that could be taken to lower energy costs.

"Farmers are really getting hurt because of huge increases in fuel prices. We've seen changes in policies in this Administration that have made it very difficult to explore and produce domestic energy, and that needs to be reexamined," Cochran said.

The Senator told the group that U.S. farmers and exporters must take advantage of the growing economic opportunity outside of U.S. borders. He said that we need to break down barriers to trade where we are being denied access to markets for agriculture commodities, and he cited China as an example.

Senator Cochran said, "Congress needs to act this year to approve an agreement with China, so we will have better access to sell what we're producing in that market where one fifth of the world's population lives. I believe that the China market is a tremendous opportunity and that the agreement will be positive for agricultural exports to China."

In addition to the Senator's annual address at today's luncheon, Cochran was presented with The Friend of Farm Bureau award for his efforts on behalf on U.S. agriculture.



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