Senator Thad Cochran

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Wicker
January 23 , 2007 (202)224-6414


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) responded to President Bush’s State of the Union Address by highlighting the importance of education and energy initiatives.

“I really think the President hit a good note when he talked about education– strengthening our schools and enhancing education.  The federal government does have a role and I think he is challenging the school districts in Mississippi and elsewhere to do a better job of making sure that students learn the basics of mathematics, reading, and writing.  It is very important. 

“I was also glad to hear him talk about the energy resources conservation program – trying to make sure that we take advantage of and conserve the energy supplies we have.  We need to make sure that we deliver the best possible energy choices to consumers at reasonable rates.  These are very important and basic challenges for our country right now. 

“And the good news is, he talked about doubling the strategic petroleum reserve, and that includes storing petroleum in Mississippi salt domes near Richton.  This is something that’s going to bring jobs to our state. 

“So I like to look on the bright side.  Everybody is talking about Iraq.  We know there are challenges there and the President has developed a new strategy for dealing with that problem and I applaud that.  General Petraeus has impressed everybody with his plan for changing the direction of the War in Iraq.  I think we’re on the right track.” 



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