Foreign Affairs

domeAmerica's Leadership in the World

As a graduate of West Point and a former Army officer, Senator Reed knows firsthand the power of our military might. He has supported a larger and more modern U.S. Army and greater focus on combating those who threaten our nation.

But Senator Reed also knows that engagement and American values are powerful diplomatic tools that can influence nations and make America a safer place.

Senator Reed believes the United States should be engaged in the world and play a leadership role in halting terrorism, curbing global warming, and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Through his work on the Armed Services Committee, Reed has focused on arms control and non-proliferation efforts to keep weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of terrorists.

In an effort to promote democracy and respond to hunger, health, and literacy challenges around the world, Senator Reed has used his seat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations to support increases for our international affairs budget to support our allies and build stronger relationships with emerging nations.

Senator Reed has also sought to expand opportunities for Rhode Island businesses and boost our nation's sale of goods and services worldwide through export promotion and commercial diplomacy.

Click here to learn more about Senator Reed's efforts to change course in Iraq »

Recent News:

Senate Passes Whitehouse-Reed Resolution Honoring Dith Pran

Reed Statement on the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto

Senate Passes Bill to Cut Investment in Sudan

Floor Statement Recognizing the 92nd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Portugal to Keep Consulate in Providence Open

Reed Reacts to British and Danish Plans for Troop Withdrawal from Iraq

Outside Links:

U.S. Department of State

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)