Publications on Macroeconomic Analysis

Listed below are publications by the Joint Committee Staff providing analyses of the macroeconomic effects of tax proposals, or providing discussion of our macroeconomic modeling efforts.

Macroeconomic analysis of tax proposals takes account of the possibility that these proposals will affect the overall economy, for instance affecting overall Gross National Product. While conventional revenue estimates of proposed tax changes prepared by the Joint Committee staff assume that individuals and firms respond by modifying their microeconomic behavior, these estimates assume that overall macroeconomic aggregates such as Gross National Product are unchanged. But certain tax proposals might be expected to have macroeconomic effects, such as proposals that would affect incentives for aggregate labor supply or capital formation.

JCX-53-06 (December 14, 2006)
JCX-52-06 (December 14, 2006)
JCX-19-06 (June 16, 2006)
JCX-4-05 (March 1, 2005)
JCX-105-03 (December 22, 2003)
Congressional Record (May 8, 2003)
JCS-21-97 (November 20, 1997)
JCS-18-91 (December 12, 1991)
Tax Policy And The Macroeconomy: Stabilization, Growth, And Income Distribution Scheduled for Hearings Before the House Committee on Ways and Means on December 17-18, 1991.


By Year

Estimating Methodology

Macroeconomic Analysis

Tax Expenditures


Presidents' Budget

Expiring Provisions

The majority of documents published by the Committee are presented in a portable document format, or PDF.