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» Hoyer Fits Role Of Dems' Right-Hand Man, May 16, 2003
Democratic Rep. Earl Pomeroy remembers the cold, wet day last year when House Minority Whip Hoyer came to North Dakota to campaign for his re-election and to praise his efforts to win federal flood control money...
» Dems plan a postwar campaign, April 16, 2003
With the war in Iraq winding down, House Democrats headed into the spring recess this week eager to turn voters’ attention to domestic topics by seeking to contrast the Bush administration’s success abroad with what they claim are its failures at home...
» Budget - House Dems Criticize Republicans For Requiring Debt Limit Increase, April 10, 2003
Dusting off a 10-year-old quote from House Majority Leader DeLay, House Democrats criticized Republicans for requiring another increase in the statutory debt limit...
» Democrats ‘Shocked’ By House GOP’s Willingness to Forgo Budget Resolution, April 08, 2003
With House Republican leaders saying this week that a budget resolution may not be necessary, Democrats are taking aim and accusing the GOP of backpedaling...
» Hoyer: Party's Newfound Consensus Boon To Majority Drive , April 08, 2003
House Minority Whip Hoyer said Monday that House Democrats have done a better job this year of unifying around a common agenda program and said that demonstrating the party can govern is an important step toward winning the House majority...
» Democrats Protest Closed Rules in the House, March 17, 2003
Just three months into the 108th Congress, House Democrats are already reaching the height of frustration with the GOP majority and are putting in place a long-term strategy to hit back at Republicans for muzzling their views...
» GOP Turns To Offshore Taxes In Bid To Save Embattled Add-Ons, March 06, 2003
House Republicans were shoring up their floor strategy late Wednesday for what Democrats promised would be a spirited debate today on a military tax relief bill that contains a number of unrelated special interest tax breaks...
» Dems Target Add-Ons In Armed Forces Tax Bill, March 05, 2003
House Minority Whip Hoyer said Democrats support an armed forces tax fairness bill, which is slated for a floor vote Thursday, but said Democrats would fight the special interest "add-ons" Republicans have included...
» Bush budget is deja voodoo all over again, February 11, 2003
President Bush told the nation in his State of the Union address that "we will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, other presidents and other generations." But last week, the administration's budget projected a $307 billion deficit for next year and deficits for as far as the eye can see - even as the administration pushes a new $674 billion tax plan and contemplates military action in Iraq that could cost hundreds of billions of dollars more...
» Excerpts from Newspaper Editorials from Around the Country on Welfare Reform, February 11, 2003
"This is not the time for the federal government to skimp on welfare programs, or to burden states with additional expenses...
» Tax Cuts and Red Ink, February 04, 2003
When President Bush took office, his budget officials estimated the cumulative surplus for the years 2002-11 to be $5.6 trillion. Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its outlook for the next 10 years, in which it declared that the cumulative surplus for that 10-year period "has been all but eliminated." And that's before the president's proposed tax cuts or spending initiatives are factored into the budget...
» In a New G.O.P. Era, DeLay Drives Agenda for Congress, January 04, 2003
Republicans returning on Tuesday to take over Congress have been bestowed with a precious political opportunity — the second chance.
» Political debate delays unemployment benefits, November 16, 2002
About 780,000 jobless Americans will lose their unemployment benefits at midnight, and a prolonged dispute between Republicans and Democrats could keep them and thousands more workers cut off from further aid for weeks...
» Hoyer Pledges to Unify Party as Whip; Vote Makes Md. Democrat the State's Highest-Ranking Congressman, November 15, 2002
House Democrats unanimously elected Rep. Steny H. Hoyer to the number two post of minority whip yesterday, making him the leadership's most visible centrist and Maryland's highest-ranking member of Congress ever...
» Region's Representatives Seek to Keep Equal Pay Principle for Military, Civil Service, January 17, 2002
Eight members of the Washington area House delegation plan to send President Bush a letter today urging him to "embrace the principle of pay parity" and provide equal pay raises for civil service and military personnel in his fiscal 2007 budget plan.
» CBO: US FY2006 Budget Deficit To Hit $337 Bln, January 26, 2001
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Under current policies, the U.S. government will amass a $337 billion annual budget deficit in fiscal year 2006, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates released Thursday.


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