August 14, 2005
Press Release

Statement by U.S. Senator Jack Reed on the 70th Anniversary of Social Security

WASHINGTON, DC - Marking the 70th anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act into law on August 14, 1935, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today stated, “Seventy years after President Franklin Roosevelt and Francis Perkins worked to establish the Social Security program; it continues to provide for the economic safety of millions of working Americans and their families.

“Perkins, who served as Roosevelt’s Secretary of Labor, stated, ‘[The Social Security Program] springs from that deep well of charitableness which resides in the American people’

“For those 70 years, Social Security has provided a dependable and predictable stream of income to retired or disabled workers, their dependents and their families. Forty-eight million men, women, and children rely on Social Security benefits each month to help them live with dignity. The benefits are protected from inflation and one cannot outlive them.

“As we celebrate the great success of Social Security, we must also recognize that it does face a long term financial challenge. I will work with my colleagues to strengthen Social Security, not to dismantle it through a risky privatization scheme. Deep benefit cuts and trillions in new debt is no way to honor the great legacy of President Roosevelt and Francis Perkins."
