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December 2004

12-21-04 Grassley on Drug Importation Reports Sent to Congress

12-20-04 Grassley, Baucus on New Deferred Compensation Rules from the Treasury Department

12-17-04 Chairman Grassley calls for comprehensive, expert review of drug safety as problems are discovered with another Rx painkiller

12-17-04 Grassley, Baucus Hope to End Facade Easement Abuse Effective Today

12-16-04 IG Report on Federal Technology Contracting Problems

Compendium FTS-CSCs

12-15-04 Chairman Grassley says new report underscores need to crackdown on fraud and abuse of power wheelchair reimbursements by Medicare

12-14-04 Survey on Employer Health Coverage for Retirees

12-13-04 Grassley on Medicare’s Improper Payments, Error Rate for 2004

12-13-04 Grassley on the New Health, Human Services Secretary Nominee

12-10-04 Grassley Praises IRS’ Public Hearings on Advance Pricing Agreement Program

12-9-04 Grassley questions the FDA about Bextra following new warnings from drug maker

12-8-04 Grassley says now is the time to improve 1-800-MEDICARE

12-6-04 Grassley, Baucus Assert Finance Committee Jurisdiction to Appropriators

12-3-04 Chairman Grassley comments on CMS guidance related to the Medicare Modernization Act

12-3-04 Chairman Grassley applauds leadership and service of HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson

12-1-04 Grassley: New Report Confirms Value of Medicare Cancer Treatment Changes

12-1-04 Grassley, Baucus Preview New Car Donation Rules

November 2004

11-29-04 Chairman Grassley questions acting FDA Commissioner about allegations of FDA actions against drug safety official

Grassley, Baucus Raise Concerns Over Offer in Compromise Program

IRS Response

Chairman asks for Inspector General review of allegations of FDA effort to discredit hearing witness

11-22-04 Finance Committee Jurisdiction Over Tax Issues

11-19-04 Grassley Praises Final Passage of Miscellaneous Tariff Bill

Summary of the Conference Report to H.R. 1047
Joint explanatory statement of the Committee of Conference

11-19-04 Grassley Praises New Partnership to Educate Medicare Beneficiaries on New Benefits

11-19-04 Grassley Expresses Concerns Over European Actions to Reinvigorate Trade Disputes

11-19-04 Senators Introduce Tax Technical Corrections Bill

Statutory language of S. 3019
Preliminary explanation of the bill
Joint Committee on Taxation explanation

11-18-04 Grassley Confirms Ongoing Monitoring and Clinical Involvement in 75 Percent Rehab Rule

Letter to the Chairman

Grassley Welcomes USTR Announcement of Steps to Advance CAFTA Without Dominican Republic

Letter to the Chairman

11-17-04 Grassley, Baucus to Appropriators: Drop Item That Would Hurt Tax Shelter, Terrorist Financing Crackdown

11-15-04 Grassley, Baucus, 68 Colleagues Urge Passage of Miscellaneous Trade Bill

Miscellaneous Trade Bill support letter.

11-15-04 Comment on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s Financial Statement

11-10-04 Grassley to Convene Hearing on Worldwide Withdrawal of Vioxx

Grassley: Federal Government is Too Slow to Cut Wasteful Employee Moves

11-5-04 Chairman Grassley reacts to the FDA's new drug safety initiatives and asks agency to specify what steps it took in response to knowns risks with Vioxx

11-3-04 Grassley on Senate Outlook, Committee Priorities for Next Year

October 2004

10-26-04 Grassley, Baucus: Coffee Brewing Does Not Qualify for Manufacturing Tax Break

10-25-04 Grassley Welcomes Agreement to Re-open Japan to U.S. Beef

10-22-04 TIGTA Report on Non-profits, Tax Shelters

10-22-04 Grassley Praises President’s Signing of Business Tax Relief, Key Reforms Into Law

10-22-04 Grassley: New Report Shows Need for Tougher Crackdown on Non-Profits, Tax Shelters

10-19-04 Chairman Grassley says Social Security Administration must better protect Disability Insurance Program

10-15-04 Chairman Grassley questions Merck about communication with the FDA on Vioxx

10-14-04 Grassley Highlights Corporate Loophole Closers in New Tax Bill

10-11-04 Description of Tax Loophole Closers in JOBS Act Conference Report

10-10-04 Floor Statement on More Highway Money for States Under Ethanol Tax Restructuring

10-9-04 General Description of JOBS Act Provisions Leading to Final Passage

10-7-04 Chairman Grassley comments on interview with FDA researcher on Vioxx

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Tax Relief for Manufacturers, Farmers, Plus Significant International Tax Reforms

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Civil Rights Tax Reform

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Crackdown on Car, Intellectual Property Donation Abuses

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Ethanol Tax Restructuring, Tax Incentives for Biodiesel, Biomass

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Tax Incentives, Fairness for Farmers, Cooperatives, Small Businesses

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Crackdown on Fuel Tax Evasion

10-6-04 Grassley Advances Tax Fairness for Rural Letter Carriers

10-5-04 Grassley Highlights New Medicare Payments for Doctors in Under-Served Areas

10-5-04 Chairman Grassley works to make sure chiropractic services treated fairly by Medicare program

10-5-04 Grassley: Trade Adjustment Assistance Reforms Yielding Progress

GAO Report on the Health Coverage Tax Credit

10-4-04 Chairman Grassley works to safeguard Medicare appeals process for beneficiaries

10-4-04 Grassley on the Signing of the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004

Examples of How Families Benefit from the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004

10-4-04 Chairman Grassley questions FDA regarding Vioxx

September 2004

9-29-04 Opening Statement at JOBS Act Conference

9-28-04 Grassley to Doctors: False Claims Act Doesn’t Allow Prosecution for “Honest Mistakes”

9-24-04 Grassley Affirms Medicare's Authority to Ensure Access to Needed Medicines for Beneficiaries

McClellan Response to Grassley

9-24-04 Grassley, Baucus Assert Value of Manufacturing Benefits Under the JOBS Act

Joint Committee on Taxation Letter
Supporting Graphs from the Finance Committee

9-23-04 Low-income Families Benefit from Family Tax Bill

9-23-04 Grassley Helps to Advance Family Tax Cuts, Alternative Energy Tax Incentives

9-22-04 Grassley on More Medicare Drug Discount Cards for Low-Income Beneficiaries

9-21-04 Grassley Urges Iowa Businesses to Help Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in China

9-21-04 Grassley Questions Federal Agency’s Support of Overseas Ethanol Project

9-20-04 Grassley Warns Dominican Republic on Proposed Tax on High Fructose Corn Syrup

9-17-04 Chairman Grassley urges quick adoption by FDA of new recommendations concerning the pediatric use of antidepressants

9-16-04 Prospects for the Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act

9-14-04 Grassley, Baucus Seek Resources for Inspector General at HHS

9-14-04 Chairman Grassley comments on conclusions of FDA panel regarding the pediatric use of antidepressants

9-14-04 Grassley on the Signing of the U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement

9-13-04 Grassley on New Study Gauging Public Confidence in Charities

9-10-04 Chairman Grassley says PhRMA can help fight fraud against health care programs

9-10-04 Grassley Seeks Complete Information from Food and Drug Administration

9-9-04 Grassley Urges Medicare Officials to Study Recommendations on Competitive Bidding

9-3-04 Grassley, Baucus Continue Work on Offer-in-compromise Program

9-3-04 Grassley Remarks Opening the NASDAQ

August 2004

8-31-04 Grassley on the WTO’s Ruling on the Byrd Amendment

8-30-04 GAO Report on Tax Haven Companies, Federal Contracting

8-27-04 Grassley on Initiative to Protect Medicare, Medicaid from Fraud

8-26-04 Grassley works to protect taxpayers, beneficiaries from health care fraud

8-25-04 Grassley Hearing Examines Tax Incentives to Boost Rural Communities

8-23-04 Grassley Urges Rewrite of Rule Costing Employees Health Savings

8-19-04 Grassley Urges Continued U.S. Case Over Mexico’s Corn Syrup Tax

8-18-04 Grassley Urges More Attention to Fighting Medicaid Fraud

8-18-04 Grassley Hearing in Sioux City to Examine Tax Incentives for Rural Communities

8-17-04 Grassley Urges Mexico to Stop Unfair Treatment of U.S. Hogs, Hams

Statement by Sens. Grassley, Nickles, Bennett regarding CBO paper on federal tax rates

Chairman Grassley comments on survey regarding new Medicare drug law

Chairman Grassley comments on new IRS enforcement effort on executive pay and benefits in tax-exempt organizations

Grassley: Clean Diamond Trade Act Appears to be Working

8-4-04 Grassley asks drug makers what they told the FDA about anti-depressants and suicide among young people

8-2-04 Grassley on Reported Problems at the Statue of Liberty Foundation

8-2-04 Grassley on the World Trade Organization Framework

July 2004

7-30-04 Grassley-Baucus Letter to Statue of Liberty Foundation Asking Follow-up Questions

7-30-04 Grassley on New Medicaid Waivers Report the Government Accountability Office

7-30-04 Grassley Urges Drug Companies to Inform Employees About False Claims Act

7-30-04 Grassley Welcomes Improvements on Medicare's 39th Birthday

7-28-04 Grassley: Analyses Show Medicare Drug Discount Cards Work

7-27-04 Grassley on Proposed Rules Increasing Preventive Benefits for Seniors, Doctor Payments

7-26-04 Grassley on Proposed Regulations for New Medicare Drug Benefit, Coverage Options

7-26-04 Grassley Seeks Agency Action on Drug Company Overcharges

7-23-04 Grassley: Miami Arrests Make Fresh Case for Anti-fuel Fraud Reforms

7-23-04 Grassley, Baucus Release Details of Plans to Ensure Continued "Son of Boss" Enforcement

7-23-04 Grassley Pledges Renewed Push to Make Education Tax Incentives Permanent

7-22-04 Grassley Introduces Bill to Freeze Duty-free Imports of Brazilian Ethanol

7-22-04 Grassley Urges U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement

7-22-04 Grassley on Retirement Savings Policy Priorities

7-21-04 Grassley Announces Participants, Releases White Papers for Charitable Governance Roundtable

Papers for Charitable Roundtable

7-21-04 CBO Cost Estimate of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill

7-21-04 Flawed Analysis of Part B and D Premiums and Social Security COLAs

Chart on Social Security COLAs vs. Medicare Premiums

7-21-04 Grassley on Senate Passage of U.S.-Morocco Trade Bill

7-21-04 Grassley Looks for Ways to Ease Burden on Honest Taxpayers

7-20-04 Committee Passes Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementing Bill

7-20-04 Chairman Grassley releases a new report on oversight of hospital patient safety and unveils bi-partisan, bi-cameral legislation to empower the federal government to do more to help improve hospital patient safety

7-20-04 Chairman Grassley Comments on the Recommendations of the National Coalition on Health Care

7-15-04 Grassley Praises Senate Passage of the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement Bill

7-15-04 Chairman Grassley comments on tobacco buyout, FDA regulation and the international tax bill

7-15-04 Floor Statement on the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement

7-15-04 Grassley Receives Trade Award, Delivers Speech on Free Trade Principles

7-14-04 Grassley on the Health and Human Services Inspector General Candidate

7-14-04 Grassley, Baucus Urge White House to Support Taxpayer Service Bill

7-14-04 Grassley seeks more reliable and complete information about nursing homes

7-13-04 Grassley Calls on Social Security Administration to Protect Program Dollars for Disabled

7-13-04 Grassley on the Signing of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act

7-8-04 Grassley Continues Fight to Stop Unfair Importing of Foreign Ethanol

7-6-04 Health and Human Services Inspector General Report on Foster, Scully

7-2-04 Grassley Announces Charitable Governance Roundtable, Solicits White Papers for Discussion

7-1-04 Grassley on "Son of Boss" Tax Shelter Enforcement

June 2004

6-29-04 Grassley on Eligibility Standards for Foundation Boards

6-24-04 Grassley Praises Senate Passage of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act

6-24-04 Grassley on Passing Trade Sanctions on Burma

6-24-04 Committee Vote on Australia Trade Agreement Recommendation

6-24-04 Grassley on IRS Enforcement of Virgin Islands Tax Scams

6-24-04 Grassley, Baucus on House Leaders' Attacks on the Highway Bill

6-23-04 Grassley on Welfare Re-authorization Delays

6-23-04 Grassley, Baucus Continue Review of Rare Instrument Transactions

6-23-04 Grassley on Advancing the U.S.-Australia Free Agreement

6-23-04 Grassley, Baucus, Hatch on the Expiring Research Tax Credit

6-22-04 Grassley Works to Protect Charities from Misuse, Exploitation

6-22-04 Grassley Expresses Concerns to USTR on WTO Food Aid Proposals

6-17-04 Grassley questions FDA about information on antidepressants, suicide

6-17-04 Grassley Releases Final Witness List for Charitable Oversight Hearing

6-16-04 Grassley, Baucus Introduce Africa Trade Extension Bill

6-16-04 Grassley on Long-term Care Tax Items in New Alzheimer's Bill

6-15-04 Grassley on the Signing of the U.S-Morocco Free Trade Agreement

6-14-04 Grassley Announces Hearing on Federal Farm Program Payments

6-14-04 Grassley, Baucus Plan to Introduce Africa Trade Bill

6-14-04 Grassley on the Smithsonian's Response on In-kind Donations

Smithsonian Institution's Response letter to Senator Grassley

6-14-04 Grassley: Key Official Repeats No Loss of Food Stamps With Medicare Drug Card

6-8-04 Grassley Encourages Critics to Set Politics Aside, Let Medicare Drug Discount Cards Work

6-04-04 Latest Job Creation Report, Outlook for JOBS Act Passage

6-03-04 Grassley continues probe of FDA's handling of information about antidepressants, suicide

6-01-04 Grassley Plans Hearing on Charitable Giving Problems, Best Practices

6-01-04 Grassley Announces Hearing on Medicare Drug Discount Cards

May 2004

5-29-04 Grassley Praises Signing of U.S-Central America Free Trade Agreement

5-21-04 Grassley Seeks Progress on Agricultural Trade

5-21-04 Grassley Urges Continued Effort to Resume Processed Egg Exports to Japan

5-20-04 The following documents are on the JOBS bill, as passed by the Senate:
1) The final score from the Joint Committee on Taxation,
2) A Finance Committee analysis of the score,
3) A statement from Sens. Grassley and Baucus regarding the targeted provisions in the bill.

5-20-04 House Appoints Conferees on Miscellaneous Trade Bill

5-20-04 Testimony Submitted to the HELP Committee on Drug Reimportation

5-18-04 Grassley on the Signing of the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement

5-18-04 Outlook for Africa Growth and Opportunity Act

5-18-04 Report on Milk Protein Concentrates

5-17-04 Grassley Plans Hearing to Address Terrorism Financing

5-17-04 Grassley Encourages President to Raise Key Trade Issues With Japan at G8 Summit

5-13-04 Summary of All Amendments Adopted by the Senate to S.1637, the JOBS Act

5-13-04 Chairman Grassley Comments on Pfizer Settlement, Medicaid Fraud

5-12-04 Grassley Continues Review of FDA's Handling of Research on Antidepressants, Child Suicide

5-12-04 Description of Changes Made to the JOBS Act Under Two Managers' Amendments

5-12-04 Grassley on the Contract Manufacturing Provision

5-12-04 Grassley Praises Senate Passage of IRS Whistleblower Help, Civil Rights Tax Reform, Charitable Giving Reform, Ban on Deduction of Government Fines, "Son of Boss" Item

5-11-04 Senate Passes Grassley’s Renewable Energy Tax Package

5-11-04 Grassley Praises Advancement of Tax Shelter Loophole Closers, More Clean-up of Tax Abuse

5-11-04 Grassley Wins Senate Approval of Tax Cut for Factories, Farmers, Plus Significant International Tax Reforms

5-11-04 Grassley Will Work to Advance Ways to Help the Uninsured

5-10-04 Grassley on European Union Interest in Eliminating Export Subsidies

5-10-04 Grassley Praises Australian Decision on U.S. Pork

5-6-04 Grassley on the JOBS Act Standstill, Outlook

5-6-04 Grassley, Kennedy Bill to Help Disabled Children Wins Senate Passage

5-4-04 Grassley to Seek Details of Donations to New Jersey Symphony

5-3-04 Resumption of Floor Debate on the JOBS Act

5-3-04 Grassley Seeks Details of Instrument Donation, Highlights Need for IRS Whistleblower Incentives

5-3-04 Grassley Encourages Seniors to Take Advantage of Medicare Drug Discount Cards

5-3-04 Chairman Grassley Tapped for White House Conference on Aging

April 2004

4-30-04 Grassley, Baucus Welcome Return to the JOBS Act

4-29-04 Grassley, Baucus Ask Questions About Drug Pricing

4-29-04 Senators Comment on Report on IRS Enforcement, Compliance Capabilities

4-28-04 Grassley keeps pressure on for clean-up of fraud and waste in power wheelchair program

4-27-04 Preliminary Report on Brazil's Challenge to U.S. Cotton Subsidies

4-23-04 Comment on GAO Report on Child and Family Services

4-23-04 Grassley plans hearing to explore fraud in the sale of motorized wheelchairs to Medicare

4-22-04 Grassley Praises U.S.-China Trade Progress, Urges More Chinese Action

4-16-04 EU Implements New Biotech Regulations, Grassley Troubled

4-15-04 Grassley: New report identifies ways to improve delivery of child support payments

4-8-04 Grassley on Final Passage of the Pension Bill Conference Report

4-8-04 Sen. Grassley Introduces Prescription Drug Reimportation Bill

Bill Text

4-8-04 Grassley Asks Vice President to Raise U.S. Beef Trade With Japan

4-7-04 Floor Speech on the JOBS Act, Effect of Trade Sanctions

4-7-04 Grassley, Waxman Seek Information on Nursing Home Care

4-6-04 Grassley Urges "Yes" on Cloture on JOBS Act

4-5-04 Grassley Works to Ensure Disclosure of Improper Payments Made by Government Agencies

4-5-04 Grassley, Baucus Expand Charities Review to Statue of Liberty Foundation

4-2-04 Senators Receive Leasing Response from the Federal Aviation Administration, Support from State Government
Federal Aviation Administration's response to the senators
Letter from the Colorado state treasurer

4-2-04 Grassley on Today's Job Gains Announcement

4-2-04 Grassley Praises Increased Medicare Payments to Rural Hospitals

4-1-04 Grassley, Baucus Seek Details of Charities Using Abusive Tax Shelters

4-1-04 Grassley Expresses Concern Over Thousands of Farmers Overpaying Taxes

March 2004


3-31-04 Grassley, Baucus Express Concern Over Poor Oversight of Tax Practitioners

3-30-04 Grassley on The Nature Conservancy's Governance Reforms

3-30-04 Grassley, Baucus Urge Fair Treatment for Retirement Plan Participants

3-29-04 Grassley, Baucus Call for "Fundamental Reform" in War on Terrorist Financing

3-29-04 Floor Statement in Opening Debate on Welfare Reauthorization Bill

Grassley Praises Approval of Medicare Drug Discount Card Sponsors

3-25-04 Senate Vote on Welfare Program Extension

3-25-04 Grassley Questions FDA’s Handling of Research on Antidepressants, Suicide

Grassley Describes Sanctions Impact of Inaction in Trade Dispute

List of Products Targeted for Sanctions

3-24-04 Grassley Questions Commerce Department About Problems With $4.5 Million Contract

Floor Speech After Cloture Vote on the JOBS Act

3-24-04 Floor Speech Relative to Opponents Attacking Drug Benefit Law

3-23-04 Medicare Trustees' Annual Report

3-23-04 Grassley, Baucus Continue Investigation of In-kind Charitable Contributions

3-22-04 FDA Advisory on Antidepressants in Adults and Children

Grassley Plans Hearing on New Freedom Initiative for Elderly, Disabled

Grassley Praises Key New Tax Guidance for Farmers

3-18-04 U.S. Trade Case Against China on Semiconductors

3-16-04 Grassley on U.S. Case Against Mexico on Corn Syrup

3-16-04 GAO Report on Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Schemes

3-15-04 Grassley Welcomes U.S.-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement

3-15-04 New Report Shows Poor Follow-up in Criminal Tax Cases

"Here is the report referred to in the news release."

3-12-04 Comment on the Administration's Medicare Bill Cost Estimates

3-11-04 Grassley on IRS Audit Rates for Fiscal Year 2003

3-11-04 Senators Expand Leasing Tax Shelters Probe to Energy Department

3-11-04 Grassley Praises Funding to Educate Seniors About New Medicare Benefits

Response to Big-Ticket Leasing Coalition News Release

Senators Expand Leasing Tax Shelters Probe to FAA, EPA

Grassley Urges Bush to Raise Corn Syrup Dispute With Mexican President

Grassley, Baucus Urge Budget Leaders to Consider Impact of Leasing Deals
DOT Lease Transactions response
FTA lease transactions list
JCT - reform of tax of leasing transactions

Grassley Praises Senate Passage of Miscellaneous Tariffs Bill

Grassley Exposes Growing Problem of Fake Health Insurance

Senators Continue Inquiry Into The Nature Conservancy

Grassley on New Support for the JOBS Act

Grassley Praises President’s Signing of Social Security Anti-Fraud Bill

Grassley Praises U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement

Remarks to Manufacturers on the Foreign Sales Corporation-Extraterritorial Income Bill

February 2004

2-27-04 Grassley to Convene Hearing on Growing Problem of Fake Health Insurance

Grassley Seeks Fair Treatment of U.S. Corn, Soybeans in Morocco Trade Agreement

Grassley, Baucus Send Budget Views and Estimates Letter

Grassley Seeks Balanced Motorized Wheelchair Criteria

Alternative to the Grassley Foreign Sales Corporation/Extraterritorial Income Bill

Grassley on CMS Withdrawal of Medicaid Budgeting Policy

Nomination of Mark McClellan as CMS Administrator

Grassley, Baucus Seek Answers on U.S. Companies’ Dealings With Countries Named as Terrorism Supporters

Grassley Praises Momentum to Shut Down Tax Breaks for Sewer, Bridge Leases

Grassley Seeks Answers on States’ Use of Consultants to Increase Medicaid Funds

Health and Human Services Inspector General Reports Referred to in the News Release
022503 HHSOIG NJ Duplicate Claims.pdf
010904 HHSOIG NJ Inmates.pdf


Grassley Announces Finance Committee Tax Staff Change

Grassley Pushes to Make Education Tax Incentives Permanent

Conclusion of U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement Negotiations

Grassley on the President's Proposed Budget

Grassley Praises Committee Passage of Highway, Corporate Reform, IRS Bills

January 2004

Grassley, Baucus Seek Full Funding for Beneficiary Education, Program Integrity Under New Medicare Law

Grassley, Colleagues Clarify Intent on Dividends Provision to Ease Taxpayer, IRS Burden

1-26-04 Grassley Seeks WTO Case Over Mexico’s Treatment of Corn Syrup

Grassley Aids Effort to Curb Accounting Firms' Financial Statement Manipulation

Grassley on the President's State of the Union Address

Grassley on the E.U.'s Retaliation Plans Over the Byrd Amendment

Grassley Staff Release Discussion Draft on Corporate-owned Life Insurance

Legislative language of the staff discussion draft

Grassley on the National Taxpayer Advocate's Report to Congress

Records Sought About Tax-exempt Organizations for Committee’s Terror Finance Probe

Grassley on Medicaid Payments for Services to the Deceased

Report 50300073
Report 50100103

Grassley Seeks "Housecleaning" at Government Technology Agency

Grassley on the President's Budget on Tax Shelter, Car Donation Reforms

Information About the Medicare Prescription Drug Program

Grassley on KPMG's Commitment to Targeting Tax Shelter Abuses

Grassley on Trade Representative's Call for Re-energized WTO Talks

Grassley, Baucus Seek More Accurate Government Improper Payment Rates

Grassley, Baucus Pursue Information on Enron Executives' Tax Dealings

Grassley on the Departure of Pension Agency Leader

Grassley on the Whistleblower Payment in Tenet Cardiac Surgery False Claims Case

Grassley Praises Decision to Prevent Medicaid Document Destruction

Grassley, Baucus Examine Agency’s Ability to Cut Off Terrorist Financing

Text of the senators' letter to the Office of Foreign Assets Control

Grassley on IRS Employees' Tax Compliance


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