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American University Documents

Analysis of Correction to Income
Annotated Response
Annotated Response 2

Areas of Consideration for B. Lander Comp
Arnold & Porter Memo
AU Invoice-Oct 14 05
AU Memo Ernst & Young Consult
AU Total Exec Comp
AU Travel & Expense Record FY 2004-5 PT2
AU Trustee Agreement
Audit Committee Recommendations
AU-Vender Invoice
B. Lander-Bio
B. Lander-Bio PT2
Calendar for N. Lander
Calendar- Jan 02 to Apr 05
Calendar-Jul 2004
Collateral Assignment
Disbursement Request
Disbursement Request PT2
Disbursement Request PT3
Disbursement Request PT4
Disbursement Request PT5
Draft- Proposed Comp Draft
E-Mail – Comp Letter
E-Mail – Comp Letter 2
E-Mail Board Mtg
Exec Cmte Mtg Minutes - 6-05
Exec Comp Program
Final and Amended Returns
G. Collins Compensation
George Collins

Intermediate Sanctions- New Reg
L. Jaskol
Letter to J. Joseph
Letter to L. Bains
Letter to Trustees
Manatt Letter-Re AU
Market Comparison
Memo – AU Pres. Pay
Memo Materials & Docs Related to Audit
Memo to Comp Committee
Memo-Audit Update
Mercer – Memo
Minutes of Comp Cmte Meetings
Mrs. Lander’s Reimbursement Receipts
Notes-Jun 28 2005
OP-Exec Comp
Petty Cash
Petty Cash Dec 02
Petty Cash Dec 02 PT2
Petty Cash Jan 03
Petty Cash Jan 03 PT2
Petty Cash Jan 03 PT3
Petty Cash Jan 03 PT4
Petty Cash Nov 02
Pres. Residence-Petty Cash
Prof Services Agreement
Rabbi Trust Contributions
Report-Mtg Materials for Sen. Fin Comte 2-06
Response to 10-3-05 Letter Re Contract
Review of Compensation
Sally-Petty Cash
Sel and Placement of Trustees
Smith Consulting
Table of Criteria
Termination of Dr. Lander
Termination of Dr. Lander 12-1-05
Travel & Expense Record FY 2004-5
Travel & Expense Record FY 2004-5 PT3
Trustees Mtg May 05


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