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Ranking Member Grassley


December 2007

12-27-07 Grassley react to IRS announcement on filing season expectations due to late AMT patch

12-20-07 Grassley: GAO Report Shows Problems With Adult Coverage in SCHIP

12-20-07 Grassley: More Transparency from Non-profits is Welcome, IRS Makes Good Effort

12-20-07 Grassley Releases More Findings on FDA’s Handling of Ketek Safety
______ (*) Grassley letter to FDA commissioner

12-19-07 Grassley Fears Farm Bill Conference Meddling in U.S.-Mexico Sweetener Trade

12-18-07 Grassley floor statement during Senate debate on the AMT patch amendment to the omnibus appropriations bill

12-18-07 Grassley floor statement on Senate passage of the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007

12-17-07 Grassley urges SEC to tap all available resources

(*) GAO report on SEC oversight of Self-Regulatory Organizations

12-14-07 Grassley Praises Advancement of Home Loan Debt Forgiveness Tax Relief

12-13-07 Grassley on Certain Veterans Charities, Overall Need for Accountability, Key Reforms

12-12-07 Grassley Seeks GAO Post-mortem of Tax Filing Season Fiasco

12-10-07 Grassley follows up on IG findings about CMS involvement in offline purchases

12-10-07 Grassley Welcomes Harvard Tuition Announcement, Looks for More Action on College Affordability

12-07-07 Senators Urge Steps To Strengthen Relationship With China, Boost America’s Global Competitiveness

12-06-07 Grassley on Responses from Six Ministries So Far Regarding Tax-exempt Practices

12-06-07 Sen. Grassley seeks thorough review of nursing home use of anti-psychotic drugs

12-05-07 Sen. Grassley’s comment on the selection of a new IG for the SEC

12-05-07 Grassley Addresses AMT Status, Reasons for Delay, Consequences of Inaction

12-03-07 Grassley Urges Passage of U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement

12-03-07 Sen. Grassley looks at tax questions with non-profit media-based ministries

November 2007

11-29-07 Grassley Welcomes China’s End of U.S.-challenged Trade Subsidies

11-29-07 Grassley says independent reviews of FDA employee misconduct will better serve public

(*) Memorandum of understanding

(*) Letter from FDA commissioner to inspector general

11-26-07 Grassley: Analysis Shows Taxpayer Impact Will Worsen if AMT Relief is Further Delayed

11-26-07 Sen. Grassley comments on the hospital value-based purchasing plan for Medicare

11-26-07 Senator Grassley comments on the retirement of Senator Lott

11-21-07 Sen. Grassley comments on nomination of Douglas H. Shulman for IRS commissioner

11-20-07 Summary of Sen. Grassley’s Non-profit Oversight to Date

11-20-07 Grassley, Baucus seek information from former drug company executive in Avandia case

11-16-07 Sen. Grassley applauds CMS, urges agency to keep up efforts to safeguard Medicare dollars

11-15-07 Senators Seek To Prohibit Patenting Of Tax Strategies

11-15-07 Sen. Grassley’s floor statement regarding the intimidation of scientists in drug-safety deliberations

(*) Committee report on the intimidation of scientists with attachments

11-15-07 Grassley: IRS Says Virgin Islands Tax Change Would Hurt Tax Compliance Effort

(*) Nov. 9, 2007, IRS response to Grassley inquiry on Virgin Islands tax change

11-14-07 Sen. Grassley’s statement at news conference on the Alternative Minimum Tax

11-14-07 Sen. Grassley comments on new black box warning for heart attacks on widely used diabetes drug

11-14-07 Grassley: Estate Tax is Unfair, Should be Repealed

11-13-07 Grassley questions government response to the marketing and use of unapproved drugs

11-09-07 House AMT Patch Might Fail in Senate, Real Story on Who Blocked Permanent Tax Relief

11-07-07 Grassley radio actuality on his ministries inquiry (audio)

11-06-07 Grassley: Sky Doesn't Fall, Revenues Aren't Gutted From Tax Relief
Chart, Total Receipts (Billions of Dollars) Chart
Chicken Little Chart
Higher Than Expected Revenues Chart
Changes in Federal Revenues as a Percentage of GDP

11-06-07 Grassley: Economic Substance Provision is Right Policy, Fits into Senate Farm Bill
Chart, Senate Democrats’ Revenue Raisers Well is Almost Dry
Article, The Washington Post, “Bush Vows to Veto Senate’s Farm Bill”

11-06-07 Grassley Seeks Information from Six Media-based Ministries

Letter to Randy and Paula White
Letter to Pastor Benedictus Hinn
Letter to David and Joyce Meyer
Letter to Bishop Eddie L. Long
Letter to Creflo and Taffi Dollar
Letter to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland

Tampa Tribune article
St. Louis Post-Dispatch article

October 2007

10-31-07 Majority of Finance Republicans Urge AMT Relief, Tax Extenders Without Tax Increases

10-31-07 Tax Writers Notify IRS of Upcoming AMT Fix

10-30-07 Grassley delves further into FDA review of foreign-made pharmaceuticals

10-30-07 Grassley: Non-profit Hospitals, Treasury Should Define Charity Care, Community Benefit to Justify Huge Tax Breaks

10-29-07 Sen. Grassley seeks transparency in FDA review of heart health risks with diabetes drug

10-26-07 Grassley Releases Participant List for Non-profit Hospital Roundtable

HHAP Letter on Community Benefits
John Colombo Prepared Remarks
*Columbo SLU Attachment
Families USA Testimony
Matt Fishman Prepared Remarks
Keith Hearle Prepared Remarks
*Keith Hearle Supplement
Written Comments of Nancy Kane
Statement by Frank McLoughlin, Community Catalyst
Statement by Michael Rodgers, The Catholic Health Association
Iowa Health System Comments
Written Comments of Mark Rukavina
Statement by Nick Wolter, American Hospital Association
Statement by Chris Wunder, ACA International

To view the Roundtable click here.

10-25-07 Sen. Grassley’s comment on the House vote on a second SCHIP compromise bill

10-25-07 “Mother of Tax Bills” Could Bring Mother Lode of Economic Trouble

10-24-07 Sen. Grassley comments on FDA letter to drug maker about flawed Ketek study

10-24-07 Grassley Announces Roundtable on Staff Discussion Draft on Non-profit Hospitals

10-24-07 Grassley: House Tax Proposal Could Undermine U.S. Companies’ Competitiveness

10-23-07 Grassley, Specter Introduce Transparency in Medical Device Pricing Act

10-23-07 Grassley: Treasury Analysis Shows 50 Million Taxpayers Could Get Hit with AMT-related Filing Fiasco
Treasury secretary response to Grassley-McCrery on AMT filing problems
Chart, Taxpayers Affected by the AMT Under Present Law (2007)
Chart, Percent of Taxpayers Affected by the AMT Under Present Law (2007)

10-17-07 Grassley, Baucus ask about oversight and operation of nursing homes taken over by large private investment firms

10-17-07 Sen. Grassley asks for more information about heart defibrillator leads
Letter to FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach
Letter to Medtronic President and CEO Bill Hawkins

10-16-07 Grassley Urges Export-Import Bank to Better Screen Funding Projects

10-16-07 Grassley, McCrery Seek Treasury Response on Taxpayer Impact of Delayed AMT Relief

10-15-07 Grassley, Roberts: CHIP Compromise Bill Does Not Extend Coverage to Families With $83,000 Incomes; HHS Retains Authority to Deny State Plan Amendments Inconsistent With CHIP

10-15-07 Grassley: Report Shows Export-Import Bank is Not Screening Enough to Prevent Funding Projects that Hurt U.S. Industry, Including Ethanol

10-11-07 Grassley: IRS’ Lost Taxpayer Case Files Show Agency Weakness, Despite House Anti-Private Contractor Effort

10-10-07 Grassley Opposes House Bill to End IRS' Private Debt Collection Program, Says Effort is Misguided

10-03-07 Sen. Grassley’s statement on the President’s veto of SCHIP legislation

10-03-07 Grassley Welcomes Bipartisan Agriculture Tax Package

10-02-07 Sen. Grassley seeks review of the effect of private equity ownership on nursing home care

10-01-07 Sen. Grassley seeks information from long-term care insurance providers

10-01-07 Senators Continue Robust Oversight of Medicare Drug Benefit

September 2007

9-28-07 Sen. Grassley urges FDA to implement recommendations of Inspector General for human subjects in clinical trials
IG Report on FDA Oversight of Human Trials

9-27-07 Republican senators support children’s health insurance program

9-26-07 Sen. Grassley comments on medical device maker payments to doctors
Letter to Medtronic
Letter to Medical Education and Research Institute
Letter to Broadwater

9-26-07 Grassley: SCHIP Compromise Maintains Fundamental Principles

9-25-07 Sen. Grassley says children’s health bill helps states reach low-income kids who are U.S. citizens

9-21-07 Senate, House Announce Agreement to Renew, Improve Children’s Health Insurance Program Now

9-21-07 Grassley: FDA Reform Bill Takes Important Steps, Misses Mark on Independent Drug Safety Office

9-20-07 Grassley Urges President to Consider Bipartisan Compromise to Reauthorize Children’s Health Program

9-19-07 Grassley: AMT Relief Eludes Taxpayers Under Current Leadership

Chart, Senate Democratic Plan to Protect Taxpayers from the AMT
Chart, Alternative Minimum Tax Iceberg
Letter from the National Association of Enrolled Agents
Letter from the New York City Bar
Chart, Total Federal Revenues Under Alternative Paths, 2005 to 2050
Chart, the AMT’s Impact on Individual Income Tax Liabilities Under Current Law, 2005 to 2050

9-19-07 Sen. Grassley’s letter to Amgen regarding FDA access to study data and rebate payments and discounts to physicians

9-18-07 Grassley urges conferees to support strong FDA reforms

9-17-07Sen. Grassley reacts to GAO report on the SEC enforcement division
GAO report on the SEC enforcement division

9-14-07 Grassley, Colleagues Urge IRS to Help Tax Burden of Home Loan Debt Forgiveness on Working Families

9-13-07Finance Leaders Seek Status of Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Plan

9-13-07 Finance Leaders Ask HHS To Release Studies On Children’s Health Insurance Program

9-12-07 Sen. Grassley comments on newly released JAMA articles and commentary regarding Avandia

9-10-07 Grassley Urges Implementation of Trade Agreements This Fall

9-10-07 Finance Panel To Update Subcommittee Assignments

9-6-07 Grassley, Kohl say public should know when pharmaceutical makers give money to doctors
August 3 Grassley floor statement (1 of 2)
August 3 Grassley floor statement (2 of 2)
Bill Text

9-6-07 Grassley to Hold Trade Rally with Administration Officials, Business and Agricultural Groups

August 2007

8-29-07 Grassley questions NIH leader about his response to questionable actions of division head

8-28-07 Senators Investigate Identify Theft, Tax Fraud

8-28-07 Grassley: New Uninsured Numbers Renew Need for SCHIP Re-authorization, Health Care Tax Review

8-24-07 Grassley-led Committee Hearing in Dubuque to Explore Aviation Needs, Alternative Fuels

8-23-07 Grassley, Baucus ask specialty hospitals about patient safety after 911 calls for 150 patients


8-22-07 Grassley continues efforts to improve safety for nursing home residents

8-21-07 Grassley Urges NIH Director to Ensure Employees May Speak to Congress

Form given to employees when contacted by Congress

8-16-07 Grassley, Roberts call on Administration to take consistent approach with SCHIP eligibility

July 31, 2007 letter from Secretary Leavitt

8-13-07 Sen. Grassley’s comment on a new GAO report on sole proprietorships

GAO report

8-9-07 Grassley Praises Nevada, New York for Pursuing State False Claims Acts, Medicaid Fraud

8-9-07 Grassley Seeks FDA Briefing on Steps to Ensure Safety of Foreign-made Medicine

8-8-07 Grassley Urges Chinese Leaders to Clarify “Nuclear” Option on U.S. Treasury Holdings

8-3-07 Baucus, Grassley Call For More Investment in Low-Income, Rural Communities

8-3-07 Grassley, Baucus introduce legislation to overhaul Medicare quality program

8-2-07 Grassley: IRS/Treasury Ideas for Closing Tax Gap are Helpful, Will Require Follow-through

IRS/Treasury Report, “Reducing the Federal Tax Gap”

July 2007

7-31-07 Sen. Grassley’s floor statement on the Finance Committee-passed Children’s Health Insurance Program Re-authorization Act of 2007

7-31-07 Grassley Responds to Critique of Currency Bill, Says Dialogue Isn’t Enough

7-30-07 Sen. Grassley’s comment on the FDA advisory committee meeting regarding Avandia

7-30-07 Grassley seeks additional information about problems at the National Institutes of Health

7-27-07 Sen. Grassley calls on the FDA to allow scientific opinion and dissent at Monday meeting on Avandia

7-26-07 Sen. Grassley urges conferees for FDA legislation to include Senate-sponsored reform initiatives in final report

7-24-07 Grassley, Baucus reveal effort by the FDA to suppress scientific dissent and downplay safety concerns

7-24-07 Sen. Grassley’s closing statement at the hearing on Oversight of Government Tax Policy in Farm Country

7-24-07 Grassley Introduces AMT Penalty Relief Bill

7-24-07 Senators Seek Information from Education Loan Non-profit

7-24-07 Grassley wants public to know more about nursing homes that fall short of federal health and safety standards

7-24-07 Report Backs Concerns Over IRS Shutdown Of Free Telefile Program For Taxpayers

7-24-07 Sen. Grassley’s opening statement at the hearing on Oversight of Government Tax Policy in Farm Country

7-23-07 Senators Express Concern over Charitable Abuse, Cite Opportunity to Protect Charities

IRS letter on compliance problems in tax-exempt area

7-19-07 Grassley: IRS Report Shows Non-profit Hospitals Often Provide Little Charity Care

IRS news release on non-profit hospital report

IRS report executive summary

IRS report

IRS Exhibit 1

7-19-07 Sen. Grassley’s Opening Statement at the Committee Mark Up of the Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act

7-18-07 Grassley Releases Staff Discussion Draft of Potential Non-profit Hospital Reforms, Solicits Public Comment

Staff Discussion Draft (Not Legislation) of Potential Non-profit Hospital Reforms

7-17-07 Baucus, Grassley Criticize IRS Delays In Updating Taxpayer Database

7-17-07 Baucus, Grassley highlight opportunities to improve oversight of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

GAO report on PBGC governance structure

7-17-07 Baucus, Grassley Criticize IRS Delays In Updating Taxpayer Database

7-13-07 Sen. Grassley comments on the FDA posting information about conflicts of interest on Avandia advisory committee

7-12-07 Grassley works to protect whistleblowers at the National Institutes of Health

Grassley letter to Zerhouni with attachments

7-12-07 Baucus, Grassley Ask IRS To Better Publicize Saver’s Credit

7-12-07 Statement by Sens. Grassley and Hatch on a potential veto of possible legislation to reauthorize the SCHIP program

7-12-07 Sen. Grassley Hearing on "Airport Airways Trust Fund: The Future of Aviation Financing" Opening Statement

7-11-07 Sens. Grassley, Hatch, Roberts urge President Bush to protect children’s health care dollars

7-11-07 Grassley Welcomes Lower Budget Deficit Estimate, Says Tax Relief Helps Fuel Revenue Growth

7-11-07 Grassley: Appropriate Taxation of Carried Interest Deserves Even-handed Review

7-10-07 Sen. Grassley Welcomes Sen. Ensign to the Committee

7-3-07 Sen. Grassley says CMS effort agaisnt DME fraud in South Florida and Los Angeles is an important iniative

7-2-07 Grassley seeks State Department assistance to deter child sex tourism

March 22, 2007 Grassley letter to Wilson

April 5, 2007 Wilson letter to Grassley

May 10, 2007 CRS Memo on identification of sex offenders on U.S. passports

June 2007

6-29-07 IRS Says It Cannot Verify Accuracy of Free File Tax Programs Offered Online

6-29-07 Grassley works to improve care for nursing home residents, reform federal oversight program

GAO report on QIOs and nursing home care

6-28-07 Grassley Praises Product Removal from Duty-free Trade Program

6-28-07 Grassley Welcomes Signing of U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreement, Highlights Agricultural Gains

6-27-07 Comment on Purpose of Legislation Regarding Publicly Traded Partnerships

6-27-07 Grassley Proposes Safe Harbor from Estimated AMT Payments for Those Without Previous Liability

6-27-07 Grassley works to safeguard NIH resources

6-26-07 Grassley Welcomes Compromise on Andean Trade Preferences Extension

6-21-07 Grassley on Trade Talks: U.S. is Right to Hold Firm on Market Access with Brazil, India

6-21-07 Grassley: Social Security Disability Programs Must Balance Benefits, Ability, Desire to Work

6-20-07 Grassley Seeks Better Medicare Data on Hospitals’ Uncompensated Care

6-20-07 Grassley Praises Smithsonian’s Independent Review, Says Institution is on Right Path to Fix Problems

6-19-07 Grassley Advances Alternative Energy Production Tax Priorities

6-19-07 Senators Express Concern over Speculative Hospital Payment Cuts

6-19-07 Sen. Grassley’s statement on Energy Tax Markup

6-18-07 Baucus, Grassley Further Question Abusive Tax Transaction

Department of Treasury letter on noncash charitable contributions

6-18-07 Grassley Welcomes Smithsonian Governance Report, Looks Forward to Continued Ethics Reform, Transparency

6-14-07 Grassley Welcomes Alternative Energy Focus in Tax Package

6-14-07 Baucus-Grassley Bill Addresses Publicly Traded Partnerships

Grassley Statement of Introduction

6-14-07 Senators Praise Effort to Improve Tax-exempt Groups’ Transparency

6-13-07 Grassley: AMT Trial Balloons Fall Flat

Democrats Seek Formula To Blunt AMT

Total Federal Revenues under Alternative Paths, 2005 to 2050

Smoke and Mirrors

6-13-07 Senators’ Bill Puts New Tools, Teeth in Currency Policy

Text of the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2007

6-12-07 Baucus-Grassley Bill Offers Tax Relief to America's Fighting Men and Women

6-12-07 Sen. Grassley comments on new GAO report on long-term care insurance

6-8-07 Sen. Grassley comments on HHS Inspector General report on medical record reviews by Qualtiy Improvement Organizations, or QIOs  

Report of the HHS Inspector General on QIO medical record reviews

6-7-07 New questions about FDA attempt to denigrate doctor with concerns about drug safety

6-7-07 Grassley says report verifies that NASA Inspector General has failed in watchdog role

6-6-07 Grassley, Baucus ask for details of effort to muzzle a doctor’s concern about Avandia risks

6-6-07 Sen. Grassley asks FDA to account for its response to scientific dissent on safety of Avandia

6-5-07 Sen. Grassley remembers Sen. Craig Thomas of Wyoming

May 2007

5-31-07 Grassley: GAO Report Shows Opportunities to Improve Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs

5-30-07 Sen. Grassley seeks additional information about pricing and marketing of anti-anemia drugs

5-29-07 Sens. Grassley, Baucus work to build confidence in nonprofits through greater transparency

5-25-07 Grassley: IRS Needs to do Better Job of Screening Tax-Exempt Groups for Terrorist Links

5-25-07 Senators Comment on Staff Proposal on Basis Reporting of Securities Transactions

5-24-07 Grassley Asserts Finance Jurisdiction Over Spending Bill Items

5-24-07 Grassley: U.S.-China Trade Meeting Conveys Role of Congress to Chinese Delegation

5-24-07 Floor Statement of Senator Grassley on the Safety of Avandia

5-24-07 Grassley, Baucus Introduce Bill to Enhance Research on Pharmaceutical Safety and Effectiveness

Text of S.1507

5-23-07 Sen. Grassley comments on his review of the actions of the Food and Drug Administration with Avandia

5-22-07 Grassley Welcomes International Designation of U.S. Beef as Safe

5-21-07 Grassley Releases New Findings Showing Success of IRS’ Private Debt Collection Program

IRS Analysis of Private Debt Collection Program

5-21-07 Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Grassley comment on New England Journal of Medicine report on Avandia

Floor Statement of Senator Grassley Regarding Avandia

5-18-07 Grassley on China's Move to Let Yuan Trade More Freely

5-17-07 Grassley: House Democrats’ AMT Relief Offsets Would Mean Big Tax Increases

Top Three Marginal Tax Rates for Single Filers
Families and Individuals with Modified Taxable Income

5-17-07 Grassley: Budget Resolution is Inadequate to Cover Needed Tax Relief

Title III- Reserve Funds
Pork Proposal
Revenue Raisers Inadequate

5-17-07 Grassley: House Democrats, not Senate Republicans, Have Opposed Tax Shelter Crackdowns

5-17-07 Sen. Chuck Grassley’s reaction to the proposed compromise on immigration reform announced today

5-17-07 Grassley Questions Smithsonian Business Ventures’ Management, Performance; Welcomes Resignation

5-16-07 Grassley seeks to empower FDA to access drug-risk information from drug makers

5-15-07 Grassley Objects to Medicaid, Tax Provisions’ Inclusion in Supplemental Spending Bill

5-15-07 Grassley Seeks Less IRS Union Activity on Taxpayers’ Dime

IRS commissioner letter to Sen. Grassley

5-15-07 Sen. Grassley Introduces the Hedge Fund Registration Act of 2007

Legislative Language

5-14-07 Grassley Expresses Concern over Tax Increases to Pay for AMT Relief

AMT Rate Increase
Marginal Rate Increase

5-14-07 Floor Statement of Senator Grassley Marking National Whistleblower Week

5-10-07 Grassley Welcomes Trade Agreement Framework, Looks Forward to Vetting Final Language

5-10-07 Sen. Grassley Says Contents of New CBO Paper Underscore Importance of Congress Staying Focused on Providing SCHIP Coverage to Children in Low-Income Families

May 2007 paper of the Congressional Budget Office on the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP

5-9-07 Grassley: Tax Relief Trigger is Cover for More Spending

Wall of Tax Increases
Daily Report for Executives Part 1
Daily Report for Executives Part 2

5-9-07 Grassley wins Senate passage of amendment to strengthen new FDA authority

Text of Amendment.

5-4-07 Baucus, Grassley Release GAO Report on Hospital Quality Data

GAO Report on Hospital Quality Data

5-2-07 Grassley Statement in Favor of Prescription Drug Reimportation Amendment to FDA Authorization Bill

5-2-07 Grassley Works to Reform FDA and Improve Drug Safety for American Consumers

5-1-07 Baucus, Grassley Continue Work for Independence of Continuing Medical Education

5-1-07 Grassley Works to Allow Purchase of Cheaper Prescription Drugs from Other Countries

5-1-07 Grassley Hires Four New Staff Members for His Committee Staff

April 2007

4-30-07 Sen. Grassley Says Congress is Facilitating Irresponsible Use of Medicaid Resources

4-27-07 Grassley on Korea’s Acceptance of U.S. Beef Shipment

4-24-07 Grassley Urges President to Press Japan to Remove Barriers on U.S. Beef Imports

4-24-07 Grassley’s Red Cross Modernization Effort Receives Final Passage, Heads to President

4-23-07 Sen. Grassley’s Comment on the Medicare Trustees’ Annual Report

4-23-07 Grassley Urges a Reality Check on IRS’ Private Debt Collection Program

IRS response to questions from the Joint Committee on Taxation

4-20-07 Grassley: Democratic Leaders Miss Boat on Tax Relief, Abuse Crackdowns

4-19-07 Tax Gap News: GAO Reports to Baucus, Grassley

4-18-07 Sen. Grassley’s Post-Cloture Vote Statement on S.3, to Allow a Government Takeover of Negotiations of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Prices

4-18-07 Sen. Grassley’s Pre-Cloture Vote Statement on S.3, to Allow a Government Takeover of Negotiations of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Prices

4-18-07 Floor Statement of Senator Grassley on the FDA Revitalization Act of 2007

4-18-07 Grassley: Taxpayers Face Wall of Tax Increases if Democratic Leaders Don’t Act

Wall of Tax Increases
Potential Tax Increase

4-18-07 Grassley Warns of Lingering AMT Threat for Taxpayers

IRS Form 6251
IRS Form 1040-ES

4-18-07 Grassley: IRS Commissioner Will Bring Skills to Red Cross Position

4-16-07 Sen. Grassley Says New Consumer Reports Poll Further Demonstrates Need for Bold Reform of FDA

4-12-07 GAO Report Confirms Customs Concerns

4-12-07 Grassley: Some Democrats Elude Responsibility for Tax Cut Permanence

Wall of Tax Increases
Blue Bunting Posting
EGTRRA Conference Report Roll Call Vote
Goose Egg
Ortcutt Posting from Daily Kos
PIEC Posting from Daily Kos

4-12-07 Grassley: Hearing Exposes Shark-infested Waters for Tax Filers

4-11-07 CBO Repeats: Government Interference With Medicare Drug Prices Won’t Work

4-9-07 Grassley Welcomes U.S. Trade Cases Against China Over Intellectual Property

4-5-07 Grassley Seeks GAO Study of Nonprofit Hospitals’ Community Benefits

4-5-07 Grassley Calls on NASA to Meet its Commitment in Procurement Probe

4-4-07 Grassley Seeks Marketing and Safety Documents from Major Drug Maker

4-4-07 Grassley Expresses Alarm Over Taxpayer Data Vulnerability

4-4-07 Grassley Seeks CBO Analysis of Certain Aspects of College Athletics’ Tax Exemption, Universities’ Tax-Exempt Financing

4-3-07 Baucus, Grassley Welcome IRS Attention to Paid Tax Preparer Conduct

4-2-07 Grassley: Beef Issue Threatens U.S.-Korean Gains Via Trade Agreement

March 2007

3-26-07 Grassley: Reports Shows Tax Collection Program Proceeding Proper

Tax Collection Program Report

3-26-07 Grassley: Smithsonian Secretary’s Resignation Brings Chance to Renew Institution

3-23-07 Grassley Advances Provisions on Medicare Physician Quality, Hospital Wage Index, Use of Data for Research

3-22-07 Grassley Outlines Need to Repeal the AMT

AMT Chart
Total Federal Revenues Under Alternative Paths

AMT Budget Amendment FY 2008

3-21-07 Sen. Grassley Comments on New Federal Rule for Organ Transplant Centers, Pledges Continued Oversight of Organ Transplant System.

CMS Announcement of Conditions of Participation for Transplant Centers

3-22-07 Senate Approves Grassley Amendment on Smithsonian Accountability

3-21-07 Grassley: Report Underscores Need to Safeguard Smithsonian Resources

3-20-07 Grassley: Budget Resolution Relies on Unrealistic Revenue-Raising Goals

Senator Grassley Quote
Senator Dorgan Quote
Jason Furman Quote

3-20-07 Grassley: Budget Resolution Offers Goose Egg of Tax Relief

Revenue Raisers Enacted Since 2001
Congress Daily Article
Democrat Revenue Dry Well
Goose Egg
Goose Egg 2

3-20-07 Sen. Grassley’s Comment on CMS Rule on Medicaid Eligibility for Newborn Babies

3-20-07 Sen. Grassley Urges FDA to Educate and Inform Public About Acetaminophen

3-19-07 Grassley: Time for Smithsonian Board to Rein in Secretary’s Champagne Lifestyle

3-19-07 Sen. Grassley Comments on CMS Action Against the West Texas Specialty Hospital

Final Term Letter From CMS to the West Texas Hospital

3-19-07 Grassley Expresses Concern about Smithsonian Secretary’s Expenses

Smithsonian Small Home Office Expenditures
Smithsonian Small Spreadsheet
Smithsonian Small Spreadsheet 2

Smithsonian Small Document Summary Las Vegas

Smithsonian Small Document Summary Las Vegas 2

Smithsonian Small Document Summary Los Angeles
Smithsonian Small Document Summary Hawaii

3-16-07 Grassley Expresses Concern Over Unsubstantiated Noncash Charitable Contributions

3-13-07 Grassley’s Red Cross Modernization Bill Passes Full Senate

3-13-07 Grassley: Tax Gap is Not Magical Elixir to Cure All Budget Problems

Tax Year 2001 Federal Tax Gap
Compliance Effects
FY 2008 Tax Gap Proposals

Smoke and Mirrors

3-13-07 Response to WSJ Editorial Criticizing Grassley on Taxes on Americans Working Abroad

3-12-07 Grassley: House Democratic Leaders Fuss Over Halliburton but Slow-walk Corporate Loophole Closers

3-12-07 Grassley Says FDA Problems Need Sunshine, Calls on Commissioner to Reverse Chill Factor

3-12-07 Grassley Expresses Concern Over Federal Charitable Giving Program

3-9-07 Grassley on U.S.-Brazil Agreement to Advance Biofuels

3-9-07 Grassley’s Red Cross Modernization Bill Advances Via Committee

3-8-07 Grassley Warns of Phony Revenue Offsets Masking Deficit Spending

Paid for by Closing Tax Loopholes
Inventory of Specified Democrat Revenue Offsets
Recap of Democratic Revenue Raisers and Spending Proposals

Estimated Revenue Effects of SA 2729

Impact of Democrat Amendments to the FY 2007 Budget Resolution

3-8-07 Sen. Grassley’s Comment on the March 7, 2007 JAMA Article on Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals

3-7-07 Grassley Expresses Disappointment Over Hedge Fund Registration Amendment Objection

3-7-07 Grassley Seeks Hedge Fund Registration, Says Congress Needs to Bring About Transparency

3-7-07 Baucus, Grassley Pursue Latest Lists of Tax Avoidance Tactics

3-6-07 Sens. Baucus and Grassley ask the FDA to account for findings of new report

Breckenridge Institute report on AERS II

3-6-07 Grassley Urges Medicare Officials to Find Dishonest Suppliers

GAO report on improper Medicare payments for medical equipment and supplies, GAO-07-59

3-6-07 Grassley, Stark hold officials accountable for improper approval of specialty hospital in West Texas

3-5-07 Grassley works to make sure Medicaid law works for newborn babies

3-5-07 Grassley Welcomes Permanent Smithsonian Inspector General

3-2-07 Grassley Expresses Concern Over Possible U.S.-Brazil Partnership on Ethanol

3-1-07 Grassley Outlines Why Tax Increases Are a Bad Idea

S&P Equity Price Index
Annual Growth of Federal Revenues and GDP
AP Shanghai Index Story

Goldman Sachs Study Article

GS Tax Cut Study
More Than 7 Million New Jobs
Over $15 Trillion of New Wealth

3-1-07 Grassley Expresses Alarm at Poor Executive Compensation Disclosure from Top Non-profits

IRS study

February 2007

2-28-07 Grassley Outlines Consequences for the American People of Unwinding Tax Relief

Potential $1.9 Trillion Tax Increase

2-26-07 Grassley Writes to Congressional Leaders, Vice President on Smithsonian Problems

2-26-07 Senator Grassley Works to Protect Smithsonian Resources

Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures
Report of the Audit and Review of the Secretary’s Expenses
Office of the Inspector General Letter to Audit and Review Committee

2-23-07 Grassley: Review of Non-profits’ Political Activity Continues, Despite Fannie Mae Foundation Move

2-16-07 Grassley, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Strengthen Red Cross' Governance

Legislative text
New York Times editorial
Baltimore Sun editorial

2-16-07 Grassley Urges Adequate Small Business Tax Relief Package After House Vote

2-15-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Speech on the Alternative Minimum Tax, Part 3

Chart of Total Federal Revenues Under Alternative Paths, 2005-2050
Chart of Estimated Revenue Effects of Various Individual AMT Options, dated April 19, 2005
Chart Listing the Number of Families and Individuals Subject to the AMT by State
Chart of Taxpayers Affected by the AMT Under Various Proposals

2-14-07 Grassley Emphasizes Complexities of Closing the Tax Gap in Exchange with IRS Commissioner

2-13-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Speech on the Alternative Minimum Tax, Part 2

Chart displaying total federal revenues under alternative paths
Chart illustrating the AMT's impact on individual income tax liabilities
Chart illustrating the affect on individual income tax liabilities under three policy alternatives

2-13-07 Senator Grassley’s Testimony to House Oversight Hearing on the Adequacy of FDA Efforts to Assure the Safety of the Drug Supply

2-12-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Speech on the Alternative Minimum Tax, Part 1

Chart Listing the Number of Families and Individuals Subject to the AMT by State
Chart Listing a Historical Timeline of the AMT

2-12-07 Senator Grassley’s comment about the FDA label and indication changes for the antibiotic Ketek

2-9-07 Grassley: House Tax Package Misses Opportunity for Small Business Tax Relief, Loophole Closers

2-8-07 Sens. Grassley, Baucus raise questions about Medicare payment at specialty hospital in West Texas

2-8-07 Grassley, Colleagues Remind Korea of Obligation to Accept U.S. Beef Imports

2-5-07 Grassley: Tax Gap Action Should Match Rhetoric; House Leaders Should Pass Anti-abuse Measures in Minimum Wage Bill

2-5-07 Grassley Comments on the President's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Proposal

2-2-07 Grassley Takes Issue With Taxpayer Advocate’s Dismissal of Private Debt Collection Program

2-2-07 Grassley Welcomes IRS Action Launching New Whistleblower Office to Catch Tax Cheats

IRS response to Senator Grassley

2-2-07 Grassley Welcomes U.S. WTO Case Against China Over Prohibited Subsidies

2-1-07 Grassley Praises Small Business Tax Relief, Loophole Closers With Minimum Wage Increase

2-1-07 Grassley: Democratic Leaders Should Protect Senate Position on Minimum Wage Package

January 2007

1-31-07 Senator Grassley’s floor statement and summaries of the FDA Safety Act (S.468) and the FACT Act (S.467)

1-31-07 Grassley: Congress Should Heed Call, Renew Trade Promotion Authority

1-30-07 Senator Grassley announces plans to introduce drug safety legislation with Senator Dodd

1-30-07 Grassley Urges Energy Secretary to Consider Need to Retain Tariff on Ethanol Imports

1-30-07 Grassley Urges Continued Trade Opportunities With Latin American Allies

1-30-07 Baucus, Grassley Visit IRS to Get Tax Gap Answers

1-25-07 Grassley Objects to Idea of Lifting U.S. Tariff on Ethanol Imports

1-24-07 Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

1-19-07 Grassley Announces Finance Committee Republican Staff Changes

1-18-07 Grassley: No Sweetheart Deal for Big Oil in 2005 Energy Bill

1-17-07 Grassley Urges Korean Ambassador to Reverse Korea’s Refusal of U.S. Beef

1-17-07 Grassley Highlights Committee Passage of Tax Loophole Closers

1-17-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Statement on the Debate Over Government Negotiation of Medicare Part D Prices

Floor chart of the letter from the Congressional Budget Office
Letter from the ALS Association
Letter from the Military Order of the Purple Heart

1-12-07 Baucus, Grassley Announce Details of Small Business Tax Package

1-12-07 Grassley Laments House Passage of Bill Forcing Government Negotiation of Medicare Drug Prices

1-11-07 Sen. Grassley Reaction to New FDA Recommendations on Higher Fees for Drug Safety Program

1-11-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Statement about What Experts and Others Are Saying About Medicare Part D

Charts Accompanying Floor Statement

1-10-07 Senator Grassley’s Statement on How the Government Would Negotiate Medicare Part D Prices

Charts Accompanying Floor Statement

1-9-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Statement on the History of the Medicare Part D Non-Interference Clause

Charts Accompanying Floor Statement

1-9-07 Grassley Welcomes Removal of Medicare Drug Benefit Late Enrollment Fee for Low-income Beneficiaries

1-9-07 Grassley: Taxpayer Advocate’s Report Affirms Need to Fix AMT, Shrink Tax Gap

1-8-07 Senator Grassley’s Floor Statement on the Success of Medicare Part D

The Prescription Drug Program Charts Accompanying the Floor Statement

1-5-07 Grassley Urges Effective Implementation of New IRS Whistleblower Provisions

1-4-07 Grassley, Baucus Tackle Alternative Minimum Tax On First Day Of 110th Congress

Text of the Legislation to Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax











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