September 5, 2008
Press Release

Reed Concerned With Growing Unemployment

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement today in response to the Labor Department’s report that the national unemployment rate rose to 6.1% from 5.7% in August, the highest in almost five years.  The country has shed a cumulative 605,000 jobs in 2008, the eighth straight month of job declines.

“This spike in unemployment is deeply disturbing.  It means that Americans continue to pay the price for the Bush Administration’s poor stewardship of the economy.  Instead of taking critical steps necessary to get this country back on track, the President and his supporters consistently resist meaningful efforts to do so.  The Senate needs to work this month to pass additional economic legislation so we can strengthen the economy and provide relief to struggling families,” said Reed, who has fought hard in Congress to extend unemployment insurance benefits, stimulate the economy, and help mitigate the housing crisis. 

The unemployment rate in Rhode Island for July is 7.7% with August numbers set to be released on September 19.
