Committee on Science and Technology
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Multimedia :: January 18, 2007

Chairman Bart Gordon's Floor Statement on the CLEAN Energy Act

Click here to watch Chairman Gordon on the House Floor
Click Image to Watch Chairman Gordon's statement

“Mister Speaker, as the father of a 5 year old daughter, I am deeply concerned about the future of our country. I am concerned that our children will be the first generation of Americans that do not have a better quality of life than their parents.

I am concerned about the availability of quality jobs for our children. I am concerned that our country’s competitive position in the world will continue to deteriorate. And I am concerned that our country will not have access to the energy supply needed to sustain our economy and our growth.

For far too long our country has relied on foreign sources of oil to meet our energy needs. This dependence is bad for our economic security, it is bad for our national security, it harms our ability to create new quality jobs, and it harms our ability to maintain our competitive position in the world.

Ten years from now, I want to look at my daughter and know that I did my part to help find a solution.

The bill we are considering today will make a significant down-payment for the development new energy technologies. A stable domestic energy supply is essential to the economic well-being and the security of our nation..."

News from the House Science and Technology Committee
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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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