Congressman Lynn A. Westmoreland
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Let House vote on Rangel’s chairmanship

Washington, Dec 2, 2008 -

U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland today called for the next Congress to have a floor vote on the Ways and Means Committee chairmanship if the Democratic caucus refuses to demote ethically tarnished Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.).

“The Democratic leadership has looked the other way for far too long as case after case of inappropriate behavior by Chairman Rangel becomes public,” Westmoreland said. “As chairman of one of the most powerful committees in Congress, Rep. Rangel is accountable not only to his constituents in New York but also to his colleagues in the House.

“I know the ethics committee is investigating this matter and I’m willing to defer to its judgment on whether the chairman broke rules and should face sanctions. But I believe that most Americans expect members of Congress to do much more than skirt the lines of ethical propriety. Rep. Rangel has fallen far short of the standards of the House and the House shouldn’t reward that behavior with a position of immense power.

“On a more practical level, the House needs to consider whether the chairman of the tax-writing committee should be someone who appears to not understand his own tax obligations.

“It’s time for the Democratic caucus to live up to its empty rhetoric about fighting the culture of corruption by moving Rep. Rangel from the Ways and Means chairmanship or allow a floor vote so that everyone’s constituents can see where their elected official stands on fighting the culture of corruption.”

Rep. Rangel faces several ethical inquiries. He’s accused of using official stationary to solicit money for a New York school named for him, preserving a tax loophole that would benefit a corporate executive who gave a $1 million donation to the school at that time, neglecting to pay taxes on rental income on a vacation property in the Dominican Republic, unlawfully possessing four rent-controlled apartments in New York City and taking a homestead exemption on his house in Washington while being a resident of another state.

On election night 2006 when the Democrats took control of the House, Pelosi said: "The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history."

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